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Advent Calendar Day 24: Furnitects

Merry Christmas, everyone! I can’t believe how fast this year’s Advent Calendar has flown by. In my opinion, it has been the best ever with some seriously amazing prices from generous brands that I love! For the 24th door, I have something super special and unique for you guys. As you know, I love anything and everything that has to do with interior design / decor. As much as I love our apartment, I am almost ready to move again, just so I can furnish something new! If you are an interior junkie like me, then you’ll love Furnitects, which is basically a virtual interior architect which will create an inspiring and individual concept just for you. With partners like WestwingNow, KARE, and many more, I am sure you’ll love the results. Today, you guys can win a “classic furnishing consultation” worth 199€!

OUTDOOR LIVING: final touches for our deck with WestwingNow | Bikinis & Passports OUTDOOR LIVING: final touches for our deck with WestwingNow | Bikinis & Passports OUTDOOR LIVING: final touches for our deck with WestwingNow | Bikinis & Passports OUTDOOR LIVING: final touches for our deck with WestwingNow | Bikinis & Passports

One last time: To try your luck, be sure to enter today’s giveaway with Furnitects before 8:59am tomorrow! And have an amazing Christmas Eve with your loved ones ♥

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  • 9 years ago

    So ein toller Gewinn! <3

    Ich wünsch dir ein schönes Fest, liebe Vicky! Genieß die Feiertage ?

    Viele Grüße

  • 9 years ago

    Das ist ja voll praktisch! Hätte ich das doch nur vor ein paar Monaten schon gekannt, dann wäre das Einrichten um einiges leichter gewesen 🙂

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