City Trip

Sometimes plans change. Sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes things just don’t work out. In 3 days, we were supposed to be boarding a flight to the Maldives to celebrate my birthday under the sun.

Hotel Zoo

Berlin and I didn’t always have the best relationship. It took me a while to fall for the city and all it has to offer (especially when it comes to food).


Every now and then, I love to steal a shirt or sweater from Mike. Mostly on days when he is out of town for business and I miss him (insert cheesiness here).


I have always found myself drawn to things that sparkles. I am not sure if the lack of a Y-chromosome is to blame or if it is simply my personal taste, but anything embellished instantly catches my eye.

pink velvet

While all the rain and snow in Berlin last week was definitely no fun, I do have to admit that the snowflakes makes these photos a little more special.


I think we can all agree that fashion is much more than just pieces of fabric draped over a body. To me, fashion is not a single thing –


To say this week went by quickly would be an understatement. It seems that literally 5 seconds ago, it was Monday and I was boarding a plane to Berlin for Fashion Week.

Where to next?

The reality check of 2018 has come along a bit sooner than anticipated. Usually, December is crazy busy and then January follows on a much more quite note.


No socks in January? Yes! I am always someone who prefers bare feet to wearing socks, but this is new –