OUTFIT: back to life.
The last week went by in a blur. The flu knocked me out good this time around and I figured it was time to really give my body some rest.
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The last week went by in a blur. The flu knocked me out good this time around and I figured it was time to really give my body some rest.
There are certain combinations that just work. Winners. They can be as simple as a pair of skinny jeans, heels and a blouse (sounds easy enough, right?) but will work for so many different occasions.
Lace-up boots have been on my wishlist for years now, but for some reason they never really looked good on me and made my legs feel stubbed and even shorter than they are.
During spring and summer this year, I really fell for nude nails. I have always liked them on others, but never felt like it looked good on me.
It is Monday, 6pm and I just opened my laptop for the first time in 3 days. Literally minutes after writing this post on Saturday my nose started dripping and before I knew it, I was stuck in bed with the worst flu I’ve had in years.
It has been unusually quiet here on the blog this week. That’s because I feel like I have been everywhere, just not home or at my laptop.
I guess it’s that time of the year again. Time to bring out the camel coat. I have to admit, it did take a bit of time to get used to the idea of wearing coats again, but when the thermometer showed less than 10°C yesterday, I knew there was no way around it.
From the category of frequently asked questions: what products do you use for your hair? Since I constantly receive questions about my hair care routine, I thought it was time to give you guys a little update.
Transition weather is always a bit of a challenge when it comes to finding the right outfit. The mornings are super cold, then the sun comes out and it warms up, just before we freeze our butts off at night.
Traveling has always been one of my biggest passions. I remember how I worked as a waitress for an entire year during college, saving 300€ per month for a month-long trip through the United States with my best friend at the time.