OUTFIT: charlotte simone.

In theory, I like to consider my style fairly laid-back, casual and basic in a sense that I love things that work in lots of different ways and aren’t too loud.

OUTFIT: a deep v

It is not common that I get overly excited about Mondays, but ever since the weather report started promising 18°C for today, I couldn’t wait for the new week to start.

CRAVINGS: birthday presents.

This week, there is literally nothing I am craving. After an entire week of birthday celebrations, I am the happiest camper. My friends and family spoiled me rotten and I got so many amazing presents - more than I could have wished for. Instead of my usual wishlist on Sundays, I thought it would be fun to share what I got with you guys today. I honestly feel so blessed to have such generous people in my life, who know me so well that they got every single present 100% right. ♥

FITNESS: my favorite ways to sweat.

An upcoming vacation usually makes for the perfect extra dose of motivation to visit the gym a bit more regularly. Since I worked out for 10 days in a row before going to Mauritius, I thought it was high time to share a new fitness post with you guys.


It definitely isn’t a secret that I am a huge fan of BB creams. I don’t use foundation at all since I don’t love the look with freckles and feel like BB creams provide my skin with just the right amount of coverage and moisture.

OUTFIT: twentyseven.

I think I am amongst the few people that don't mind getting older. As my mom has always said "growing old is a privilege that not everyone gets to have". So true! Yesterday I turned 27 and even though the big three zero is slowly getting closer, I don't mind one bit. There is something exciting about getting older. I love my life and the things I've gotten to experience the past year...

CRAVINGS: the look of love.

Here’s what Valentine’s Day looks like at our place: Sleeping in, breakfast at home (see it on Snapchat @vickyheiler), pyjamas all day, episode after episode of Modern Family and dinner with my sister.

BEAUTY TALK: tips for dry & sensitive skin in Winter

I think it is safe to say that the cold and dry air during Winter takes a toll on almost everyone's skin. Now, imagine those surroundings paired with eczema, which basically equals extra dry skin all year long. After in the week in the tropics (which was amazing for my skin), being back to windy Vienna with icy temperatures is quite the challenge...