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When it comes to beauty/bath products I am a real sucker for anything that has the slightest hint of coconut. I love the smell and especially during Summer it instantly feels like a sunny vacation on a sandy beach. For today’s beauty talk I wanted to share 3 of my personal favorite “coco items” with you guys. As you know, I am pretty picky when it comes to trying new products as my skin is fairly sensitive (due to eczema) and I like to stick with things that work for me. However, when something smells like coconut I tend to have a hard time resisting – which is exactly how I discovered these 3 products:

coconut bath products

 1) Creme de Coco – tropical riche masque by bumble and bumble: Just like my skin, my hair is on the rather dry side. I could probably go 5-6 days without it actually becoming greasy if I didn’t wash it every second day. Against the dry ends I use conditioner with every wash, but also try to incorporate a richer masque about 1-2x per week. My favorite during the past few months has been the Creme de Coco. Smells like pure coconut and leaves your hair silky soft. The downside? At about 30€ it definitely isn’t cheap, but it lasts forever – I’ve had mine since the beginning of May and still have about half of the bottle left! Also, it should be left in for about 5-10 minutes for best results, so you do need a little extra time in the shower.

coconut bath products coconut bath products

2) Frank “coconut & grapeseed” body scrub: I’ll be the first to admit that the main reason I actually purchased this body scrub is the AWESOME marketing. Seriously, if you follow the @frank_body Instagram account you’ll know what I am talking about! Luckily, however, Mr. Frank isn’t all show and no go! First of all, the scent! Holy cow!! If you love coffee and coconut, you’ll be in heaven with this one. Before I actually went through with my order, I did do a bit of research and found out that the coffee body scrub seemingly does wonders for people who suffer from acne or eczema (Neurodermitis) – which I do. I’ve only used it once so far, but already my skin feels super soft and smooth. I will for sure keep using it regularly for a few weeks and then write up a more detailed review about the results with my skin problems.

coconut bath products

3) My Coconut Island shower gel by treacle moon: This is the cheapest of the 3 products and available at any drugstore (at least in Austria). Personally, I don’t like to spend a ton of money on body wash as I have never noticed a difference. My main criteria is that it smells good and doesn’t dry out my skin too much! This one is a whole lot of coconut and works perfectly in combination with the frank body scrub!

coconut bath products

Are you guys coconut lovers as well? What are your favorite products? Do you have any recommendations for me?


  • 11 years ago

    Thanks for introducing me to “Frank”, as I have a quite troubled skin (eczema and rosacea), I´m always looking for new and most natural ways to treat my skin. And the packaging did the rest, I have to check them out right now!

  • 11 years ago

    Ich liebe Produkte mit Kokos…
    Von dem Scrub habe ich auch schon oft auf Insta gelesen…habe ihn aber noch nie getestet. Maybe i’ll give it a try 🙂

  • 11 years ago

    ich wollte immer schon mal treacle moon Produkte ausprobieren – den Duft von Kokosnuss liebe ich auch sehr. Das werde ich demnächst mal testen! lg

  • 11 years ago

    I love the “Frank” packaging!! it’s so adorable I defiantly want to try it!

  • 11 years ago

    Von dem Frank hab ich jetzt auf Instagram auch immer wieder gehört…mir scheint das ist gerade echt ein richtiger Hype. Bin gespannt darauf was du davon berichtest!
    xoxo, Ronja

    • vicky
      11 years ago

      Hi Ronja,

      also ich bin (soweit man das bis jetzt sagen kann) wirklich beeindruckt! Hab heut Sport gemacht und mir kommt vor durch das Schwitzen wurden die Öle vom Scrub wieder freigesetzt – ich hab statt Schweiß nach Kaffee & Kokos gerochen, ein netter Nebeneffekt 🙂 Das Produkt ist momentan wirklich gehyped, aber ich denke mit gutem Recht. Doch was ich auf Youtube schon gesehen habe, ist, dass man das auch super leicht selbst machen kann. Einfach gemahlenen Kaffee mit ein bisschen braunem Zucker, Kokos- und/oder Mandelöl mischen und den Körper damit “scrubben”. Ich weiß nicht ob es sehr viel billiger ist als frank (15€) – aber ein Versuch wäre es wert!

      xox Vicky

  • 11 years ago

    I’ve been meaning to try the B&B products for a long time… in your opinión, are they really that good?

    • vicky
      11 years ago

      Hi E.,

      personally, I the hair masque is the only bumble and bumble product I own. But I absolutely love it! Works really well and leaves my hair silky smooth and hydrated 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • Sophie
    11 years ago

    Hallo Vicky,
    Wenn du Probleme mit tockener Haut hast, probier vlt mal feste Seifen! Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass die viel besser sind! Und bei Lush findest du auch eine, die nach Kokos duftet und feine Kokos Raspeln enthält, die super angenehm auf der Haut sind!
    Liebe Grüße

    • vicky
      11 years ago

      Ohh danke dir für den Tipp! Die feste Seife muss ich mal probieren – vor allem wenn es eine mit Kokosgeruch gibt!!!

      xox Vicky

  • Jane Rachel Jones
    11 years ago

    bei kokosliebe kann ich dir nur den conditioner brilliant care von sante ans herz legen !
    naturkosmetik und ohne die ganzen zusatzstoffe, mit denen b&b leider arbeitet.
    du wirst es lieben !
    so gut für trockenes haar und so ein feiner duft nach kokos

  • 10 years ago

    You just convinced me to order my first Frank scrub! Hope it will be as good as they say!

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