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Meet Me For Breakfast in L.A.

I am never sure which meal of the day is my favorite. While I am a serious sucker for a good breakfast (preferably in the sun), dinner is the only time I really get to sit down with Mike during the week. Not to mention how much I love our girls’ lunches at the office. Let’s just put it this way: I love food. No matter what time of the day it is. However, if you combine breakfast + time spent with Mike, it is a pretty tough meal to beat. During our recent trips to L.A. (this Spring and last May/June), we went out to breakfast a lot and tried our way through the best spots from Malibu to Venice, Hollywood and Downtown L.A. From avo toast to breakfast burritos, poached eggs and acai bowls… Needless to say, the options are plentiful and it is hard to pick a favorite. If you happen to be in L.A. for Coachella this week or are planning a California roadtrip during the Summer, there are a few stops worth putting on your list.

Best Breakfast in L.A.: The Hart and The Hunter | Bikinis & Passports
The Hart And The Hunter.

Best Breakfast in L.A. – according to yours truly.

  • Best Girl (Downtown): Last year in May, we stayed at the Ace Hotel Downtown, which is home to Best Girl, formerly known as L.A. Chapter. We had a great dinner there but the breakfast was also bomb dot com. Plus, I see the locals like Chriselle Lim or Sincerely Jules stopping by there quite a bit due to the fact that their outdoor seating area is just as photogenic as their avo toast with poached eggs.
  • The Hart And The Hunter (West Hollywood): Located on Melrose Ave., this place is ideal to start your day in West Hollywood. Also located in a hotel (Palihotel), the interior is super cute and I love the outdoor space. Plus the americano was one of my favorites I had in L.A. and their avocado toast with onion, fennel, capers, smoked olive and sesame is a plate full of pure goodness. Add egg on the side (they only do poached on the weekends, though) for a super filling breakfast!
  • Backyard Bowls (West Hollywood): If you are looking for an acai bowl or porridge, healthy lunch bowls, incredible smoothies or snacks on-the-go, this is the place for you. They have multiple locations around town, including Downtown and Santa Monica. We always go to the one in West Hollywood.
    Good to know: Blue Bottle Coffee right next door.
  • The Butcher’s Daughter (Venice Beach): Some of you may know the “vegetable slaughterhouse” aka plant-based restaurant from their original NYC outlet, but the location in Venice on Abbot Kinney Blvd is major interior goals. Not to mention their commitment to only buy produce from local and organic farms. Be sure to make a reservation though, the place is super popular – especially on the weekends.
  • Malibu Farm (Malibu): fresh. organic. local. This place is pure bliss. Located on the pier, breakfast simply tastes better at the beach. And if you sleep in too long, don’t worry because everything else on the menu is just as amazing as their breakfast.

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  • 7 years ago

    Wow – die Fotos sind so toll. Das sieht alles unglaublich gut aus!

    Wir waren voriges Jahr im Herbst in L.A. – es gab einfach so viel gute Lokale mit tollem Frühstück. Da mein Freund und ich seitdem die absoluten “Californian Lover” sind und wir spätestens übernächstes Jahr wieder nach L.A. wollen, werde ich mir deine Tipps gleich mal abspeichern 🙂

    Alles Liebe,
    | a personal life & style blog |

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      Wir haben dieses Jahr auch entschlossen, dass wir eigentlich jedes Jahr 7-10 Tage in LA verbringen möchten <3 Ganz große Liebe!!

  • 7 years ago

    Woooow, das sieht alles sooo mega lecker aus! Ich würde nach LA alleine wegen dem Essen fahren, haha. 🙂
    Ich liebe vor allem Acai Bowls und Avocado Brote und die gibt es wahrscheinlich in jedem Lokal dort.
    Das hört sich nach einem richtigen Breakfast Paradise an, haha. Vor allem über Malibu Farm habe ich schon soooo viel gehört!
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra /

  • Ksuscha
    7 years ago

    Hallo Vicky 🙂 toller Post mit schönen Bildern.
    Was mich brennend interessiert, woher ist diese schöne gemusterte Sonnenbrille?
    <3 alles liebe

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      Hi Ksuscha,
      die ist von Gentle Monster und das Modell heißt irgendetwas mit “Half Moon” soweit ich weiß. Die Marke müsste es bei Net-A-Porter geben, ich hab sie allerdings in Paris in den Galleries Lafayette letztes Jahr im März gekauft.
      Alles Liebe,

  • Leni
    7 years ago

    Die Bilder sehen mega gut aus, ich mag die Anordnung sehr!!! Super Idee 😀

  • die einzelnen arbeitsschritte
    6 years ago

    Oh das sieht so lecker aus!

  • […] For breakfast favorites like The Hart & The Hunter or Backyard Bowls, be sure to check out this post. […]

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