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eat beautiful.

I am not typically a person who actually reads cookbooks. I buy them according to recommendations and then occasionally flip through them when I am in the mood to try a new recipe. Most of them end up collecting dust on the windowsill or as décor in various corners of the living room. Either way, cookbooks have never accompanied me to bed or on travels. Until now, that is. A few weeks ago I started taking a closer look at my personal diet and making some changes to only feed my body what it deserves, fresh, wholesome foods that are loaded with energy and lots of other good stuff like vitamins and minerals. The amazing best friend that I have took note of this and decided to surprise me with “eat beautiful” by the famous make-up artist Wendy Rowe – just because. (She’s the best, I know.) Up until then I had never heard of or seen the book, but it was love at first sight. Hard not to fall for it with such a pretty cover, right?

book review eat beautiful by wendy rowe | Bikinis & Passports

I have literally been devouring the pages of eat beautiful and have been reading before bed, in the mornings and while traveling. It is the most unique approach I have ever seen when it comes to food and books, and I am absolutely obsessed with this book.

“Nourish your skin from the inside out.”

With Wendy’s background in beauty, the book focuses on teaching you about all aspects of beauty. Wendy shares her personal bathroom must-haves, as well as 70 recipes that will make you more beautiful from the inside out. After over 20 years of experience, she knows her stuff and also knows that no matter how amazing the make-up, if you don’t have good skin it’ll never look as great as it could with beautiful skin. One of her main concepts is eating according to the seasons, which is also why the book is split up in 4 chapters: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. For each season, she starts the chapter with an introduction to various foods that are available during the according season and why she loves it. The descriptions include all the vitamins, minerals and healthy fats each food provides, as well as a recipe. The meals are 100% my taste (I mean, just look at that fig & burrata salad), they don’t require endless shopping list of hard-to-get ingredients and are super healthy!

book review eat beautiful by wendy rowe | Bikinis & Passports book review eat beautiful by wendy rowe | Bikinis & Passports book review eat beautiful by wendy rowe | Bikinis & Passports book review eat beautiful by wendy rowe | Bikinis & Passports

I have already started making recipes from the book and have yet to find one I don’t like. The Mango & Cucumber Salsa is to-die-for (especially on a hot summer day), and I recently made the Black Sesame Stir-Fry from my parents and earned quite a few compliments for it. From own experience, I can tell you that eat beautiful by Wendy Rowe makes for a great gift for anyone that loves healthy yet amazingly delicious food, as well as a few insider beauty tips. This might also just be one for the category “to me, from me”! It is my mission to make every single one of the 70 recipes before Christmas and will be sure share one or the other here on the blog aswell.


  • 9 years ago

    Wow sieht nach einem tollen Buch aus. Ich hab ja in letzter Zeit irgendwie die Lust am Kochen verloren. Dabei kommt sie aber sicher schnell wieder, werd ich mir gleich holen.

    Alles Liebe

  • 9 years ago

    I definitely need to embrace this way of thinking! Will have to buy this cookbook, doesn’t hurt that its gorgeous as well! x

  • 9 years ago

    Ich hätte sooo gerne diesen Artikel auf Deutsch gelesen. Mein englisch ist leider zu schlecht. 🙁 *sniff*

    ♥ Nissi
    Instagram // Bloglovin

  • 9 years ago

    Das Buch hab ich schon öfter bei dir auf Bilder begutachtet, toll, dass einen kurz Report darüber geschrieben hast 🙂

    ani von ani hearts

  • 9 years ago

    Das Buch schaut wirklich bezaubernd aus und allein das Bild von der Burrata mit den Feigen *nomnom. Die Idee mit “from me – to me” gefällt mir doch recht gut 🙂
    Liebst Kathi

  • 9 years ago

    Ohhhh, das ist ja wieder Mal ein toller Post! Ich liebe solche Bücher, aber leider gibt es nicht so viele, zumindest weiß ich von keinen und deswegen danke ich dir für diesen Tipp, ich werde sicher gleich am Internet schauen und bestellen, der Salat sieht einfach mega aus, wird gleich Mal nachgemacht! ;D
    Mit liebsten Grüßen
    Sandra von

  • 9 years ago

    Ach ich liebe solche Bücher! Das sieht wirklich toll designed aus und erst diese Fotos!
    Bin ja auch ein großer Verfechter davon, dass man seine innere Schönheit pflegen soll 😀
    Danke für diese Buchvorstellung!

    xx Ana

  • 9 years ago

    Oh ich hab das Buch auch schon auf meiner Wishlist. Es sieht eifnach so toll aus. Und ich bin ganz gespannt auf die vielen leckeren gesunden Rezepte!

    Love, Kerstin

  • 9 years ago

    Oh, allein die Aufmachung des Buches ist schon wunderschön.
    Ich bin momentan irgendwie zur fleischfressenden Pflanze mutiert und zum Schokojunkie. Ich brauche dringend mal wieder einen Grund meine Ernährung zu ändern. Das buch werde ich mir direkt mal ansehen.
    Eine Frage: gibt es das auch auf deutsch oder nur in englisch?

    Liebe Grüße
    Claudine /

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      Liebe Claudine,

      ich glaube leider nur auf English – die deutsche Version ist mir noch nicht untergekommen.

      xox Vicky

  • 9 years ago

    Das Buch sieht so toll an, ich glaube, es landet in meiner Wunschliste!

    Liebe Grüße, Lara von

  • Jodi
    9 years ago

    Love the idea of this book! It is generally how I eat as well but the book looks just beautiful. I went to buy it and realized it is not yet available in the States until December! Doh. Have to wait a few more months.

  • 9 years ago

    […] voila: Eat Beautiful ist es dann geworden. Entdeckt habe ich das Kochbuch dank Vicky. (Ihre Review zu dem Kochbuch lest ihr hier.) Ein ganz andere Kochbuch, als ich es bisher besessen […]

  • […] Image via Bikinis & Beautiful […]

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