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CRAVINGS: back to the 90s.

Time to head back to my childhood. Remember when it was cool to layer spaghetti-strap tops over shirts or even turtlenecks? And when we wore those plastic chokers around our neck in all sorts of colors? We already talked about the trend of wearing dresses or camisoles over shirts on The Daily Dose a few weeks ago and today I am dedicating my cravings to styling the look with a few must-haves of the season that I am currently lusting over. Inspired by the 90s, fashion is currently taking things back to mom jeans and the likes. Even though it always takes me a bit of time to get used to these types of trends, I have to admit I am totally sold on the 90s inspired outfit and looks now. I love how this trend is currently taking delicate lace camis that are usually kept in the bedroom to the streets and how one of the most feminine features, a slender neck and collar bones, is being focused on the beautiful chokers and necklaces.

ANNA Inspiring Jewellery CARA choker: This was a gift from my good friend Julia a few weeks ago and I am totally loving this velvet choker at the moment – wearing it to brunch as I am typing this! Such a great accessory!

Topshop lace camisole: The key-player for the 90s inspired layering look is a lace or silk camisole. I have yet to find the perfect one but am pretty sure this one will end up in my shopping basket before the end of the day!

EDITED blouse with flared sleeves & ruffled neck: If you ask me, blouses like this will be a huge autumn must-have. Just like turtlenecks! So be sure to stock up now before they’ll be sold out everywhere.

Topshop mom jeans: Even though these jeans are definitely not the most flattering for my figure, I really want a pair. I have yet to find the right fit but am determined to own a pair of mom jeans before the end of summer.

Gucci slippers with florals: To splurge or not to splurge – that is the question! I have to admit, I was super close to buying these Gucci Princetown Slippers about 6 months ago and kind of regret not doing it. I am just now trying to figure out if it is to late to jump on the train now or not…


  • 9 years ago

    Tolle Inspiration, auch wenn ich mich damit erst noch ein bisschen anfreunden muss. Ach wieso ist das immer so eine Umstellung wenn wieder neue Trends kommen. Bei mir dauerts immer ewig bis mir das alles gefällt. 😀

    Liebe Grüsse

  • 9 years ago

    Tolle Auswahl liebe Vicky! Ich habe mir gerade vor kurzem so ein Spitzenoberteil bei Zara gekauft und trage es wirklich oft. Sonst will ich mir unbedingt einen Choker kaufen, hab auch schon einen ausgesucht, mir gefällt dieser Trend so sehr und dir steht er auch so gut!
    Mit liebsten Grüßen
    Sandra von

  • 9 years ago

    Irgendwie kommen alle Trends irgendwann wieder 🙂
    Mit den Chokern kann ich mich selbst noch nicht wieder anfreunden, aber die restlichen Sachen habe ich teilweise schon im Schrank hängen oder stehen auf meiner Wishlist 🙂
    Liebst Kathi

  • 9 years ago

    Hach ich liebe die 90er Wiedergeburt ja auch! Muss mich zugegebenermaßen an die Choker etwas gewöhnen, aber was die Mom Jeans in Kombination mit den Lace Spagetti shirts angeht, bin ich schon lange auf diesen Zug aufgesprungen. Kann mich super damit identifizieren 🙂

    Toller Inspobeitrag! xx Ana //

  • Lyn
    9 years ago

    I still have to get used to most 90’s trends, the only one I’m actually wearing is the choker.. Nonetheless I find those 90’s looks very cool! Just not ready yet..
    By the way, what does Mike think of the choker trend? My boyfriend absolutely hates it haha so I’m curious to other bf’s opinion 🙂
    xox Lyn

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