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CRAVINGS: home accessories

CRAVINGS: home accessories

You know those things that nobody actually needs, but everyone wants? The little things that add a special touch to your outfit – or in today’s case, your apartment! Interior design and decor definitely fall into that category for me and make me happy. I love fresh flowers on the dining table, scented candles spread out around the living room (I know, basic bit** alert) and framed prints placed on the stairs next to stacks of magazines. I feel that creating a home you love, no matter how small or big, is an important factor when it comes to being happy. At the end of the day, no matter how much went wrong or how terrible you day at the office was, coming home to a welcoming place will always put a smile on your face – or at least mine.

I am currently trying to de-clutter our place a bit. Over the past 3 years, a lot of “stuff” has accumulated and I am starting to feel crowded … which, in a really weird way, makes me uneasy on the inside. It is a weird thing, just like I sleep better in a cleaned up bedroom. I take a lot of pride in our apartment and Mike always makes fun of me because I am so picky about the place, while my car looks like an absolute disaster. He’s the other way around, his car has to be spotless at all times while he doesn’t mind spreading his socks out for me to find – I guess that’s why we make a good team! But I am getting off-topic. What I really wanted to share today, are my current cravings when it comes to home accessories – all under 60€!

CRAVINGS: home accessories | Bikinis & Passports

  • Diptyque scented candle “mimosa”: When it comes to scented candles, I am actually pretty picky. As mentioned last week, my scent of smell is fairly sensitive, which means I have to love the scent of the candle 100%. A few that have made the cut so far are Cannelle and Mimosa by Diptyque, the London candle by Tom Dixon and Noël by Annick Goutal. It’s been a while since we had Mimosa on the coffee table, so that’s what’s next on my wishlist.
  • MADE pale pink cushion: Just last week, a friend of mine shared her newest interior shop discovery with me. I have spent quite some time on their site since then and am thinking that pale pink cushions could look really good on our gray sofa.
  • Diptyque candle snuffer: Ok, admittedly, this is definitely an item that absolutely nobody needs. However, I think it would be so cool to have a candle snuffer and it would look the part on the tray of candles on our coffee table.
  • MADE copper clock: To match the pink pillows, copper would be a nice accent color to add to some areas of the apartment – for example with this clock!
  • The Aestate tropical watercolor print: This print is such a classic and I am sure many of you have seen it around Pinterest & Co. I’ve been coveting it for ages and think I’ll finally cave sometime soon. It would look great in our bedroom with a few new pillows …


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