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CRAVINGS: my maui wishlist.

It was always my intention to take a few days off around Christmas. I purposely turned the ringer on my phone to silent and had planned to leave my laptop shut for a while. Little did I know my body was faster than my plans came into action and I have been tied to my bed with the flu since Christmas. Just like last year …
I think, my body literally knows the second I enter Mama-care and everything that has built up over the past few months just comes out all at once. Even though I am a bit upset since I definitely imagined the time at home a little different, it is ok. Sometimes you just have to let go of things. I know and understand that my body needs a break, so I’ve been drinking tea by the gallons, resting in bed all day and keeping warm under the covers.

However, 24 hours from now I’ll be on a plane heading towards Vancouver and then Maui, and in all honesty, my main objective right now is to get better by then. Changing the flight would cost 1.200€ (not happening) and after 8 days without Mike I am ready for a big hug. A 12 hour flight is not exactly at the top of my wishlist right now, but a few items for our Maui vacation definitely are. I am gathering as much positiv thoughts and vibes as possible for a quick recovery (mind over matter, right?), and distracting myself with some online shopping.

  • Zimmerman playsuit with crochet lace: I’ve been eyeing the gorgeous Zimmermann pieces for ages. I think when it comes to swim- and beachwear, the brand nails it every time! However, the price tag isn’t as easy on the eye as the pretty clothes are … now with the playsuit on sale for -30% I am so tempted!
  • Leonor Greyl hair & body oil: I don’t use oils on my body since they usually make my sensitive skin itch, but love them for my hair. Especially when it is dried out from lots of sun and salt water (just writing those two things is making me so excited for the trip!). Leonor Greyl is supposedly some kind of a holy grail, so I may venture away from my Moroccan Oil to try something new soon.
  • MLM Label off-shoulder dress: At a recent shoot, my friend Leonie introduced me to MLM Label from Australia and it was love at first sight! I actually ordered this dress for Maui a week ago, but unfortunately DHL did not deliver on time, so I guess I’ll have to save it for the next trip…
  • Soludos lace-up espadrilles: It is not like I don’t have enough espadrilles as it is, but I don’t have any cute lace-up ones that tie around the ankle. Plus, these come with a more affordable price-tag, than these (which I love!!) for example!

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  • 9 years ago

    Hey Vicky!

    Mein Blog muss auch gerade sehr leiden, lieg seit Mittwoch flach und war gerade wieder beim Arzt, da es nicht besser wird. 🙁
    Ich wünsche dir trotzdem viel Spaß in Maui und gute Besserung!!!

    Lg, Steffi

  • Lisa
    9 years ago

    Gute Besserung liebe Vicky!
    Die Sonnenbrille finde ich umwerfend schön & ich glaube sie würde dir super stehen! Zeitlos aber trotzdem cool, perfekt!

    Hab eine schöne Zeit auf Maui <3
    xo Lis

  • 9 years ago

    Natürlich wird man immer dann krank, wenn man es am wenigstens gebrauchen kann. und es gibt nichts schlimmeres als im Urlaub krank zu sein! Gute Besserung & bin schon auf deine Bilder gespannt!

    liebe Grüße,
    Vicky | The Golden Bun

  • 9 years ago

    Oje du arme – ich kenn das – sobald man mal ein bisschen ruhe hat, erwischt es einen immer komplett! ich wünsche dir schnell und gute Besserung & einen guten Flug 🙂
    xxx marie

  • 9 years ago

    I hope you feel better soon! I’ve been sick for the last week and I’d give anything to be well at this point! Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

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The Standard

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