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CRAVINGS: sporty spice.

For the past few weeks, I have been working out 4-5 times per week (mostly to keep up with all of the BBQ parties and ice cream I’ve also been having…). The only problem with the almost daily workouts is that most of my gym clothes are constantly in the laundry – especially my favorite pieces, of course. Time to do some shopping, don’t you think? When it comes to workout gear, there definitely is a certain color scheme going on in my closet. Lots of black with an occasional hue of pink or orange. Working on that palette, I decided to browse the web a bit for new items to sweat in – otherwise I’ll have to blame my laundry machine for skipping a workout sooner or later.

  • The Upside patterned sports bra: One thing that I definitely don’t have enough of are comfortable, yet stylish sports bras. Especially now in Summer I prefer to do my at-home-workouts in just shorts and a bra, so I need more of these! Luckily this one is currently on sale for -50%.
  • Zara Terez marble workout tights: White marble everything! So obsessed with the print on these pants and I think they are a great mix of looking special without being too loud. Plus I love the slightly cropped fit around the ankles.
  • The Upside tank top: Like I said, my closet is missing workout options in the top department, so this tank top would be a great addition – not to mention that I can also imagine it looking good with jeans and flats for a casual outfit. By the way: have any of you heard of this brand before? It seems to have some amazing pieces and is completely new to me … would love to hear your thoughts if you own any pieces by them!
  • Stella Sport bomber jacket: My gym is really close to where we live, so I usually just walk there in my workout clothes and only put on my sneakers when I get there. For cooler days, this amazing bomber jacket would be perfect to throw over.
  • Nike sports bra: I could have sworn that I own this exact sports bra. However, it is currently no where to be found. If it doesn’t turn up soon, I’ll just have to re-buy it, since it was always a favorite of mine!
  • Nike Thea sneakers: Even though I absolutely adore my Adidas pureboost sneakers for the gym and running, I am currently on the lookout for a black sneaker to wear to the gym since I am kind of getting a little sick of the pink and blue. Of course, that is just me looking for an excuse to buy a new pair of sneakers …

With gear this amazing, who wouldn’t want to workout daily?

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  • 9 years ago

    Die Hose ist der Hammer, das Muster ist einfach so toll!

    Liebe Grüsse vom Bodensee
    Sylvia – Lifestyle/Blog Foto Tips/Travel

  • 9 years ago

    Ja, ich mache in letzter Zeit auch unglaublich viel Sport, auch so 4-5 Mal in der Woche, wenn nicht jeden Tag! Ich spiele aber vor allem Tennis, also komme ich ins Gym oder zum Laufen überhaupt nicht, aber das will ich ändern! Du hast richtig tolle Sachen rausgesucht, gefällt mir wirklich gut! Am meisten wahrscheinlich die Leggings und der Nike BH. Danke für diesen Post, aber ich finde, dass ich Sportklammoten viel zu viele habe! Haha 😀
    Mit liebsten Grüßen
    Sandra von

  • 9 years ago

    Den Marmorprint auf der Hose find ich total schön 🙂

  • Lyn
    9 years ago

    Due to health reasons I’m not able to work out/do any kind of sports since years and with all the amazing gym clothes I’ve been seeing the last few months (is it just me or have all brands stepped up their game?) it makes me even more irritated/annoyed haha
    (I am already annoyed/irritated/angry/.. that I can’t work out because I want to lose weight and we all know how hard this is when it ALL depends on what you eat..)
    & of course great choices Vicky 🙂
    xox Lyn

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