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CRAVINGS: summer date night

CRAVINGS: summer date night

Even though I would consider myself 100% of a summer girl, I’ve recently come to realize that my summer wardrobe could use quite a bit of improvement. For some reason I find it much easier to dress for fall, winter & spring, rather than summer. The reason may be that black skinny jeans are my favorite piece of clothing EVER – and they simply don’t work for warmer months. Last week, I was on a mission to freshen up my summer attire a bit, only to find that all the stores had already switched to the new fall collections. Sure enough I walked out with a big fluffy winter jacket instead of pretty summer dresses … On a hunt for something for summer, I finally got lucky at and found a perfect dress by Ganni, that’ll work with espadrilles for a casual outfit, but also with heels, sparkly earrings and a nice bag for a summer date night. Plus, it can easily be paired with tights, biker boots and a leather jacket for fall (even though I still haven’t given up hope that Summer will return). Definitely went straight onto my wishlist!

Summer Date Night - Bikinis & Passports

1) For some reason I find myself coming back to the beautiful jewelry by Anton Heunis all the time – I love those earrings! (currently on sale -50%)

2) What would summer be without sunnies? This year it’s all about the Le Specs and I just can’t get enough! This round pair would be a perfect addition to my collection.

3) Cross body bags are perfect for date nights. They look more elegant than big totes but are easier to carry than clutches.

4) I feel like this dress by Ganni is so versatile and would work for lots of different occasions. Love!!

5) Date night wouldn’t be complete with a pair of pretty heels. I love the strap around the ankle on this pair of mary janes!

*in collaboration with


  • 11 years ago

    Das ist interessant, denn mir geht es ganz genauso! Ich finde es wesentlich einfacher, Outfits in den kälteren Jahreszeiten zu stylen und bin daher begeistert, von diesem wunderbaren, sommerlichen Outfit. Insbesondere das Kleid hat es mir angetan 🙂
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  • 11 years ago

    Diese kleine süße Tasche hat so eine wunderschöne Farbe!! Und als ich sie mir genauer im OS anschaute konnte ich nicht fassen, was für einen tollen preis sie hat! PIN IT to my wish list <3

  • 11 years ago

    Die Ohrringe sehen echt toll aus ♥

  • 11 years ago

    Das Kleid und die Ohrringe sind ja toll!


    A. von

  • 11 years ago

    Das Kleid ist absolut Top! Gefällt mir super gut.
    LG, Andrea

  • 11 years ago

    Das Kleid und die Tasche sind der Hammer! Wowsi!
    xoxo, Ronja

  • 11 years ago

    Das Kleid ist wirklich toll, habe es gerade in meine Wunschliste aufgenommen!

    xx Sarah

  • 11 years ago

    Ich liebe Anton Heunis Schmuck!!! Die neue Kollektion ist super.. musst mal reinschauen 🙂 Lg

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