CRAVINGS: sale hunting
These past few days, sales have kicked-off all around town, and off course online as well. Those that know me, know that I love nothing more than a good deal on a piece I’ve been coveting all season.
- currently craving, wishlist material & my finds -
These past few days, sales have kicked-off all around town, and off course online as well. Those that know me, know that I love nothing more than a good deal on a piece I’ve been coveting all season.
For the 2nd Advent Sunday, we decided to head home and spend some downtime with our families. Nothing beats a late Sunday breakfast with the loved ones, good coffee, waffles and chatting for hours.
Yesterday, most American’s ate way too much pie and celebrated Thanksgiving with their loved ones (we’ll be having our traditional Thanksgiving with friends this Sunday), and today the entire world gets to profit from the American tradition and shop like crazy during Black Friday sales.
With all the coziness yesterday at home, I totally skipped my cravings. And cravings are never to be skipped, right? After all, we have to dream about all those pretty items!
Yesterday I saw a quote on Instagram that read “stop the glorification of busy” and for some reason it really stuck with me.
Most of the items on my personal lust-list are usually super expensive – hence the wishlist factor! However, sometimes I come across pieces that are not only super pretty, but also a really good deal.
When it comes to sales, I am quite the expert at snagging a good deal. I’ve mentioned it a few times before, but some of my absolut favorite items in my closet were amazing steals at discounted prices (ie.
Even though we’re currently blessed with quite a bit of sunshine here in Vienna, you can tell it is definitely Fall.
Over the past 2 years, I have totally changes my shopping habits. When I first started working full-time, back in March 2012, it was overwhelming to have a monthly income of my own and I basically felt like the retail world was mine (or so I thought …).
I love finding joy in the little things in life – like when you find THE perfect nail polish to match a pretty pair of pumps.
Yesterday I nearly fell right back into bed when our outdoor thermometer showed a chilly 12°C on the display. That’s when the truth hit hard:
As you guys know, I’ll be heading to the Oktoberfest exactly 10 days from today (yay!!) and I can’t wait to see what the fuzz is all about.