FOR THE HOME: accessorizing with trays
I have always wanted a white tray for our coffee table. And when I didn’t find the perfect tray for a while, I decided to make use of my quiché pan (seen HERE)! But a few weeks back I received an early morning call from Kathi, telling me about a sale on Westwing where she saw a set of 2 white trays. At first I wasn’t sure about the faux croco material, but I decided it would be a fun texture to change things up a bit and I was super smitten with the shape. Plus, the price was a steal at 40€ for 2 trays (one is slightly smaller than the other). When the trays arrived about a month later I was a bit disappointed, because they aren’t necessarily of the best quality! But you can’t tell from the distance and for now I am loving the smaller one on our dining table and the bigger tray for the coffee table. And I have actually grown pretty fond of the faux croco – kind of loving it now, just like our bedside tray tables (even though the quality of those is definitely better)! As most of you know I like to move things around the apartment and re-decorate every once in a while, so here is a look at how I have been styling the trays in the past few weeks:
Btw, the book on the picture above is “Decorate” by Holly Becker, a current favorite in terms of home inspiration. I can highly recommend it for anyone in the process of decorating – or simply for a bit of inspiration to dream about!
How do you guys like the trays? What do you think about the faux croco?
Some beautiful flowers!
Echt schön!! Ich find diese Kroko ‘Textur’ passt super weil euer Tisch an sich ja recht clean und ‘simpel’ ist. Gefällt mir total gut. 🙂
Sehr inspirierend! Die Ranunkeln erinnern mich an meinen Brautstrauß 🙂
Das faux-croco find ich auch schön, ist ja wohl auch sehr dezent!:)
xx Claude
Love the first and second picture the best!! I am obsessed with finding new ways of decorating my tray on my coffee table. There are so many different ideas to do..
P.s. Love the Lauren Conrad books…
Sincerely Miss Ash
When I read faux croco I was expecting not to like the tray but I think it’s quite nice and…different! Love the idea of it being a different texture. Your presentation is spot on! 🙂
P.s. would love to see a fitness post from you, miss them…
Wunderschöne Brille. Könntest du mir das Modell verraten?
ich liebe deine immer wieder etwas wechselnden decorationen…xxx
I think trays are such a good way for accessorizing our living room areas =D They keep things organized and clean whilst still looking stylish!
The Austrian Rose
it’s all so lovely!i love these candles 🙂
Toll, toll, toll !!! Fand deine Nachttischgestelle schon so toll, die du bei ebay ergattert hattest! Würdest du auch verraten, wo du den Plexiglastisch herhast? Finde leider keinen bezahlbaren 🙁 Danke und liebe Grüße, Sarah
Liebe Sarah,
meinst du den Couchtisch? Das ist relativ dickes, echtes Glas … Der ist von Interio und war auch eine kleine “Investition” 🙂
xox Vicky
Bin total begeistert wie viel Mühe Du dir immer machst 🙂 Bin total motiviert meine Wohnung nach 3 Jahren nun endlich auch zu verschönern – was sind denn deinen Lieblingsblogs für Einrichtung und Deko? Du hast mal geschrieben, dass du daher viel Inspiration gefunden hast…
Alles Liebe,
Hi Hanna,
ich mag eigentlich Pinterest am allerliebsten was Interior und Decor angeht. Es gibt aber auch tolle Bücher, wie zB das Dominio Book oder Decorate von Holly Becker. Beide sind total inspirierend und haben super Tipps!
xox Vicky