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Be My Guest!

Well, not yet – but hopefully some time soon. We are coming up on the one-year-anniversary of living in the “new” apartment. Funny I still call it that after eleven months, but our home still feels like a new blessing.
None-the-less, eleven months has somehow not been enough time for me/us to get the whole place furnished. While the closet room is not quite where I want it to be yet (first world problems, I know), my biggest concern is the home-offices/guest room at the moment: Bare walls, a bare lightbulb on a bright red cable hanging from the ceiling and nothing but an old sideboard (which we actually wanted to sell during the move) and a sleeper couch for guests.

With no time to spare, I have made it my mission to have this room ready before the end of the year. Three months? Sounds manageable! And before I start getting carried away again with pieces that end up being super hard to style (like the sleeper couch we currently have…), I have decided to work with a strategy. So far, my strategy consists of a moodboard + an assessment of the items we definitely want to include. It’s a start!

Home Office & Guestroom Inspiration - Bikinis & Passports

Get The Look

Status Quo:

There are a couple of things that we have made mandatory for the space. One of them being an Oriental rug that I inherited from my grandma. My grandparents lived in Tehran for a few years and this rug is from their time there. Hence, very near and dear to my heart and something we absolutely want to have in the room.
Next on the list is the sideboard I ordered two weeks ago, and which is scheduled to arrive any minute now. Sleek white, lots of storage space and a natural touch with a walnut veneer. This will replace the old sideboard (which we actually used as a media console in the old apartment).
The last thing that is a “must”, is the iconic Vitra Panton Chair that I also put an order in for. Again, I went with white. With the Persian rug being the main pop of color and pattern in the room, I am trying to keep the rest as organic and simple as possible. With the Vitra chair, I want to add a more modern touch to the space to balance out the vintage rug. Ever since I saw how Deea (interior goddess) styled the Panton chair in her home office, it has been on my wishlist!
And then there is the sofa bed… I purchased it for this apartment last December. I love the look. The quality is amazing. The color gorgeous. I just forgot one tiny details. Our living room sofa is dark green velvet. And it is literally on the adjacent wall. With the door to the office / guest room usually open, there are now two totally different green sofas on display. No bueno! As much as I hate to see the current version go, I think there is no way around it.

What’s Next?

Next on my shopping list is a minimalistic and simple desk. Followed by a replacement for the sofa bed. I like the linen version I found, but feel like it might take up too much space in the room, so I am on the hunt for something similar but lower and without the high sides. Then the fun part begins: decorating the sideboard, putting up prints and styling the desk.
As I am now finished putting all my thoughts and ideas into words, it seems like I actually have a plan. Let’s hope I can report back with the finished outcome before Christmas rolls around!

The Inspiration

*images via Hein Studio, dwell, Lovisa Häger, Ashe Leandro and The Poster Club

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  • 6 years ago

    So schöne Inspo – ich find egerade jetzt zum Herbst hat man wieder umso mehr Lust zu dekorieren und die eigenen 4 Wände neu zu gestalten 🙂


  • 5 years ago

    Where do Patrick and I sign up to be your guest? <3

    • VICKY
      5 years ago

      You’re already on the list!

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