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HOTEL REVIEW: Tower Club at lebua.

HOTEL REVIEW: Tower Club at lebua.

There is always a first for everything, and our trip to Bangkok was my first time to visit Thailand. However, there were plenty of other firsts, including staying in a 160 sqm suite at the Tower Club at lebua. That is more than double the size of our apartment, just to give you an idea… The stay with the lebua Hotels & Resorts was a major part of our trip and a definite must if you ever happen to be in Bangkok, which is why I have been so excited to share today’s hotel review for the Tower Club at lebua with you guys!

Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports

Our stay started out in the best way possible after our 10-hour flight with a personal driver waiting for us. We got lucky and traffic was super light so we made it to the hotel in just about 30 minutes, which is incredible for Bangkok-standards. Upon arrival at the hotel we were greeted by the typical Thai friendliness and instantly felt at home. While our luggage was taken upstairs, we proceeded right past the reception to the elevators leading to the 51st – 64th story (= Tower Club + restaurants and bars) and were able to do the check-in processes in the comfort of our own suite. The check-in was only a small preview of what the next few days were going to be like, and while we stepped out on the balcony with the most insane view over Bangkok’s skyline, I truly felt ontop of the world.

Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & PassportsHotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports

What I Like About The Hotel:

  • When I think of our trip, it really is difficult to start somewhere, so I’ll just start with the food, which was the most memorable part of our stay at the Tower Club for me personally. We kicked-off the trip with room service and various small Thai dishes. Still dreaming about the pomelo salad … ♥ For our first dinner at the lebua State Tower, we were in for an extra special treat: Mezzaluna! The fine dining restaurant doesn’t only offer a very special atmosphere with a 180°-view that’s hard to all take in, the food is also an experience in itself. The menu is a fixed price (7 courses, which ended up being more like 11) and the chef de cuisine, Ryuki Kawasaki, has worked at Michelin starred restaurants across Europe and the U.S. before joining the lebua family. The seasonally-inspired tasting menu is re-designed daily, so no matter how often you show up, it is sure to impress you. Of course, the prices are high, but aside from the finest ingredients, you are also paying for the view and everything that comes with a dinner at Mezzaluna.
    Next on our culinary agenda was a visit at Breeze restaurant, which I was definitely looking forward to the most since our meal at the Breeze by lebua in Frankfurt set the bar very high. Of course, we weren’t disappointed at the original Breeze, named one of the world’s “top 10 most cutting-edge restaurants” by USA Today, Breeze is lebua’s homage to Asian cuisine.
    Last but not least, a trip to Bangkok would definitely not be complete without a visit at Sirocco restaurant & Sky Bar. Even if you are not staying at the hotel or don’t feel like having dinner at Sirocco (which I recommend you should), be sure to head on up to the 64th floor for a drink with the most famous view of the city! Two other perfect options for drinks with a view are Distil Bar or the champagne bar overlooking Sky Bar.
    Fun Fact: The Sirocco restaurant and Sky Bar have been around for 13 years, while the hotel is only 8 years old. This focus on food and beverages is definitely something that makes the lebua one of a kind and all of the dining experiences extra special!
  • If you are now thinking: “Wow, all they did was eat!” You are almost right! But aside from that we also got to see and explore the city, which is another aspect of the hotel I really valued. Their concierge service is on spot and they have connections to so many great guides and tours. We were always picked up in the lobby, learned so much and got some really good suggestions from the hotel staff.
  • Of course, I can’t go without mentioning the suites! The Tower Club at lebua is located in the higher levels of lebua State Tower and only boasts incredibly spacious suites. The smallest version comes in at around 60 sqm, which is already more like an apartment than a room. With every suite featuring a balcony, you are guaranteed a good view – no matter which direction you face!
  • Bloggers love wifi!! The hotel offered free wifi throughout the entire hotel. No login required, which is something I always have an extra big appreciation for.

Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & PassportsHotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & PassportsHotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports

What I Didn’t Like:

  • When I stay at these incredible hotels, I always feel like such a snob when writing up my hotel reviews and trying to think of the things that I didn’t like, when in reality I had the most amazing time ever. However, as you guys know, I always try to give you the most realistic overview of a hotel experience, so saying everything was perfect is the easy road! One thing that stood out to me slightly negative were the (sometimes) long waiting times at the elevators. Especially in the evening, a lot of guests from outside come to visit the Sky Bar, so the elevators are packed and it can take a while for a free one to arrive. (Like I said, so snobby to complain about the elevators…)
  • Also, I wanted to mention that for my personal taste, the 160 sqm suite was too much. I felt a bit lost and overwhelmed with all the space. I can highly recommend a size like that if you are a bigger group traveling, but I think for 1 or 2 people the 60 sqm suites are more than enough.
  • As always, a hotel review wouldn’t be complete without a few words about the hair dryer. This one wasn’t the best I’ve ever had, but not the worst either. Anyhow, blow drying your hair straight is more or less pointless thanks to the insane humidity in Bangkok, so not the hair dryers fault in this case.

Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & PassportsHotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & PassportsHotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua | Bikinis & Passports

Hotel Review Tower Club at lebua.

*a huge thank you for lebua Hotels & Resorts for having us!


  • 9 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,
    ein riesiges Kompliment für diese wunderschönen Fotos. Du schaffst es die Stimmung des Hotels perfekt rüber zu bringen.
    Ich möchte jetzt auch nach Bangkok – am besten sofort 😀
    Liebste Grüße

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      Danke dir für das liebe Kompliment <3

  • 9 years ago

    OMG, das Hotel sieht einfach so perfekt aus und das ist es auch sicher! Das Essen ist einfach der Hammer, obwohl ich gerade gegessen hab, bekomme ich langsam Hunger, haha. 😀 Ich will sofort nach Bangkok, aber darüber kann ich anscheinend nur träumen!
    Mit liebsten Grüßen
    Sandra von

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Vicky! I wanted to tell you that during my last stay in Madrid I spent a couple of nights in a gorgeous hotel that not only had the best hair dryer, but also complimentary straighteners!! I remembered your hotel reviews immediately! 😉 The hotel it’s called Only You and, well, I’d say it should be your hotel of choice if you ever visit Madrid!

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      The only other hotel that has ever had that was the Soho in Berlin – my favorite hotel ever! So thank you so much for the great tipp!

      xox Vicky

  • 9 years ago

    Ich mag deine Hotel Review unheimlich gerne. Vor allem die abschließenden Worte über den Hair Dryer 😀

    Love, Kerstin

  • 9 years ago

    Super toller Review und wow… die Bilder haben mich tatsächlich in den Bann gezogen. Alles wirklich perfekt in Szene gesetzt. Einfach toll. Ich finde deine Reviews zu den Haartrockner echt immer gut – denn für Frauen ist das mindestens genauso wichtig, wie für den Mann der TV. 😉 Liebe Grüße Jen

  • 9 years ago

    Wirklich wundervolle Fotos und tolle Review!
    Ich beneide dich so sehr um deinen Aufenthalt in Bangkok – jetzt möchte ich auch unbedingt da hin 😀

    ❤ Liebste Grüße ❤
    Conny von
    Personal Austrian Blog about Fashion | Beauty | Lifestyle | Food | and more

  • 9 years ago

    Was für ein Hotel <3 Der absolute Wahnsinn! Wenn ich es im nächsten Jahr nach Bangkok schaffen sollte muss ich dort zumindest einmal auf die Rooftopbar! Ein toller Review <3
    Liebst Kathi

  • 9 years ago

    Wahnsinnig tolle Bilder – wir planen auch gerade einen Thailand Trip Ende September, Bangkok steht natürlich auch auf unserer Liste. BTW das schwarze Kleid steht dir unheimlich gut, das Bild musste sofort gepinnt werden 🙂
    Alles Liebe,

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