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(endless) Summer

Linen never needed much of a revival. It has always been a major summer staple but has appeared more and more on my personal watchlist in recent times – mostly in form of jumpsuits (seen here and here). What used to be a hippie favorite, has been elevated to resort wear with a more refined look.
This is probably the point where you start to wonder why I am talking Summer staples mid-September, the time of the year when Summer slowly begins to slip and make way for Autumn knits. It turns out, my favorite Summer piece of 2018 (linen wide-leg pants) didn’t appear until recently, when I scored it on the very last days of the designer sales. You know, the time of the year, when they become so desperate to make room for the new season, they offer an extra 20% at check-out…

Linen Love

Designers like Nanushka (love!), Staud and Miguelina (who makes the linen wide-leg pants I adore so much) have been drawn to linen in this year’s SS18 collections, but luckily more affordable brands like Mango and Topshop have also been heavily invested in the comeback of linen pieces. While it might be too late to build-up your ultimate Summer wardrobe, it is definitely not too late to score a good deal or two and take those endless Summer staples into Fall – simply add a sweater, denim jacket or tailored blazer to your go-to Summer pieces when the temperatures start to drop. Alternatively, late Summer weekend getaways are always a good idea as well, if you ask me…

Miguelina linen wide-leg pants | Bikinis & Passports

outfit details: EDITED one-shoulder top, Miguelina linen wide-leg pants, Saint Laurent sandals, Tophop earrings, Jimmy Choo sunglasses, Chanel WOC bag

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  • Birgit
    7 years ago

    so schöne bilder!

  • 7 years ago

    Ein unglaublich schöner Look!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  • katy fox
    7 years ago

    wow die fotos sind der hammer 🙂 macht die im urluab immer dein freund? 🙂
    glaube dies sind sogar meine lieblingsfotos von dir – das licht ist so schön eingefangen!
    glg katy

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      Hi Katy,
      ja genau, die hat mein Freund gemacht 🙂 Ich werde das Kompliment gerne weitergeben!
      xox Vicky

  • Alexa
    7 years ago

    Der Look ist toll. vor allen Dingen die Bluse steht dir sehr gut. Die Hose würde ich etwas kürzen, das Schleifen der Hose am Boden wirkt etwas nachlässig, man sieht es ja am Saum, dass sie schmutzig ist

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      Liebe Alexa,
      ich persönlich mag diesen Look sehr gerne, weil ich finde es wirkt ein bisschen lässiger – die Hose leidet darunter natürlich mehr aber so sind Geschmäcker unterschiedlich 🙂
      xox Vicky

  • bee
    7 years ago

    Locken / Wave Tutorial – much needed 🙂

  • Lotta
    7 years ago

    Ich stimme zu – SO SO SOOO schöne Fotos! good job Mikey! <3

  • Geli
    7 years ago

    Traumhafte Fotos ✨

  • 7 years ago

    Wow, die Bilder sind der absolute Hammer und das Outfit ist auch ganz toll! Super Arbeit ihr beiden!
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra /

  • Angie
    7 years ago

    beautiful photos, beautiful outfit, beautiful Vicky <3

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Sophisticated Summer Shopping


The Standard

If you have ever found yourself researching hotels for New York City, chances are pretty high that you have come across, or heard of The Standard High Line Hotel.

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