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High Intensity

Just in time for the holidays (hello food coma all day, err day) I thought it was only appropriate to talk fitness. It has been a while since the last sweat-related post, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working out regularly. Except maybe last week, where I was busy fighting off a cold and sore throat. Other than that, regular workouts are important to me. Not only to feel my best, but also to stay in shape (duh!).

I have said it before and I am not shy to mention it again: I am not one of those girls that was born with legs for days and a size 0 frame. I take after my grandma, which is a blessing, considering she is over 70 years old and still very much resembles Sophia Loren with all her elegance and beauty, but it also means curves are part of the game. And that’s totally fine by me, as longs as I keep an eye on a balanced diet and make it to the gym every now and then.

Over the years I have gone through phases. Sometimes, all I would do is run, then I got really into yoga before I became obsessed with tabata and high intensity training. I still love (is that an appropriate word when it comes to working out?!) all of the above, but I have found a more balanced routine is key to keeping things entertaining (again, workout-appropriate choice of word?).

So what does my current workout routine look like?

Ideally, I get moving 3-4x per week with each workout lasting somewhere between 45 to 90 minutes. This is a general overview of my go-to workouts:

  • (hot) yoga: I make sure to attend at least 1 yoga class per week. Aside from the fact that I usually leave feeling every single muscle in my body, I feel that yoga also helps to keep muscles lean and give the mind a bit of a break. The classes I take are generally 75 or 90 minutes, sometimes only 50 or 60 minutes. My go-to studios in Vienna are Doktor Yoga in the 7th district or Hot Yoga in the 6th district on Gumpendorfer Str.
  • walking: Some might not consider “walking” an exercise, but after 3 weeks in Australia with daily beach and city walks of 5-10km, I noticed how my body slowly started changing a bit. I feel like my legs have gotten leaner and a lot (!) more toned. Plus, nothing beats a solid hour or two of fresh air. It is not always easy to incorporate walks into my daily routine, but I walk to and from work as much as possible (15 minutes each way) and on the weekends we try to get an hour of walking or hiking in.
  • supercycle/spinning: This is my favorite fitness discovery of the year and also a weekly regular for me. A 60-minute class includes 45-minutes on the bike with all sorts of crazy stuff (“sexy corners” or 1-handed push-ups), followed by 15 minutes of stretching. The best part is all you have to do is sign up and show up, once the class starts there is no going back and time flies. On average, a person like me burns around 600 kcal per class. #winning
  • high intensity interval training (HIIT): Cardio and yoga are super important to me, but HIIT training is key to building muscle and endurance. I do two different kinds of HIIT trainings, either on the treadmill or with weights or body-weight. This type of training focuses on performing quality weight training repetitions to the point of momentary muscular failure. Sounds fun, right? Well, it is actually an amazing form of training because contrary to low intensity cardio training, you will keep burning calories much longer after your actual workout has ended. These workouts are brief, infrequent, and intense, usually lasting no more than 20-30 minutes with an added warm-up and cool-down/stretching of about 10 minutes each. If time is money, this is your best value for money when it comes to workouts. Need some inspiration for your next HIIT workout? Then the Nike+ Training Club app is your new best friend. The app is fully loaded with 100+ workouts, audio and visual guidance from experts for every move, plus plans to help you get fitter, faster and stronger than ever. The best part? The app also includes new 15-minute workout options that you can do in your own living room. I personally love short home-workouts, especially when it comes to HIIT-training because they don’t make a huge dent in your schedule. You know how they say: Just do it!


treadmill interval training

– 5 min. 8km/h
– 1 min. 12km/h
– 2 min. 8km/h
– 1 min. 12km/h
– 2 min. 8km/h
– 1 min. 13km/h
– 2 min. 8km/h
– 1 min. 14km/h
– 5 min. 8km/h

what to wear?

To me personally, the right workout gear has always played a major roll in my motivation. Not only do new workout clothes motivate me to head to the gym asap to give them a try, but the right gear also makes all the difference when it comes to getting the best out of your workout! Nothing worse than a sports bra with too little support or pants that keep sliding down every time you do squats. That’s why I am super excited to feature Nike’s new Pants Studio. With the right tight you can make your practice perfect.

While yoga calls for more loose fitting pieces that allow deep stretches and lots of movement, HIIT trainings require much more support and a tighter fit. When the workouts demand more than a wimpy waistband, the tilted back gives you the support you’ve been looking for, featuring the highly supportive Nike Power fabric and mid-rise curved waistband for coverage with support. (I am such a sucker for high-waited workout pants – don’t own anything else!). Plus, the bonded storage pocket comes in extra handy when you are working out with the Nike+ Training Club app or have your favorite playlist on repeat!

shooting location: EVO fitness, 1090 Vienna. EVO is a forward-thinking training space that provides the optimal fitness experience. More than just a gym, EVO is a place that nurtures and develops natural human movement.

shooting location: EVO fitness, 1090 Vienna.

EVO is a forward-thinking training space that provides the optimal fitness experience. More than just a gym, EVO is a place that nurtures and develops natural human movement.

*this post is brought to you in sporty collaboration with Nike.
**photos by Sonja Petrkowsky, shot at EVO fitness

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  • 7 years ago

    Sehr sehr cooler Beitrag!!! <3 Ich war auch paar Mal im supercycle und es macht mir unheilich viel Spaß!
    Die Photos sind der Hammer geworden liebe Vicky, tolle Arbeit!
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra

  • Birgit
    7 years ago

    toller beitrag, es ist so inspirierend, wie “brav” du mit deinen workout bist und dass du trotz vollem kalender immer zeit dafür hast.
    was ich total gerne mag sind die youtube videos von XHIT daily. da gibts lauter kurze workout-videos, z.B. für bauch, für die beine, für den po, für die arme und fast alle übungen sind nur mit dem eigenen körper zu machen. kann man easy zu hause machen, auch wenn man nur kurz zeit hat oder z.b. im hotel zimmer.
    dann gibts z.b. das victoria’s secret work out oder das kim kardashian booty workout – da bleibt man dann gleich viel motivierter 🙂

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      Ahh das probier ich gleich am Wochenende mal!! danke dir für den Tipp!

  • Vanessa
    7 years ago

    Ich muss bitte sofort die Tights haben!! Ich fahre total auf Tights mit Mesh ab 🙂
    Dein Laufband Training ist super, ich hab bei der Halbmarathon Vorbereitung auch immer Intervalltraining gemacht aber ohne Laufband, da kostet das viel mehr Überwindung. HIIT liebe ich auch, ich war noch nie so fit wie jetzt, seit ich HIIT und Yoga mache und parallel noch viel laufe. Ein Supercycle Studio hätte ich auch noch gerne, ein bisschen Spinning würde das ganze super ergänzen, aber das Gym würde ich ansonsten nicht nutzen, deshalb lohnt sich eine Mitgliedschaft nicht wirklich… Aber wie du siehst, ich kann deine Devise mit der Abwechslung super verstehen 🙂 und ich finde solche Posts immer sehr inspirierend!

  • […] Nike: Last but definitely not least, I have to include Nike in the list. Aside from the whole “just do it” lifestyle they created, it is a brand that I have always owned and will probably always own. You simply can’t talk sports without Nike! I personally have various shoes of their’s – not so much for running but more for indoor workouts and training. I also own a couple of sports bras and 2 pairs of leggings. See one of the looks here. […]

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