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Our Launch Party

Before Kathi and I launched The Daily Dose, we promised ourselves one thing: No duplicate content! We didn’t want to turn our blogs into a smaller version of TDD, and we wanted to keep things on our blogs more personal than the content we create for TDD. But, today I am breaking that rule!
Last Thursday we hosted our launch party at the Sky Bar (7th floor of Steffl Department Store with a stunning view over the first district) and in all honesty, I am simply too proud of the two of us not to share at least a few impressions. The last weeks have been kind of tough trying to juggle a million things at once and to see it all come together at our very own launch party made me SO happy! We invited friends, family, a few brands and partners, as well as fellow bloggers for a night of cocktails, ice cream and chatter. I had an amazing time and loved every minute of it. We are both convinced that this was definitely not the last TDD event and hopefully next time we can have some of our wonderful readers join us!

The Daily Dose Launch Party

The Daily Dose Launch Party

The Daily Dose Launch Party

The Daily Dose Launch Party

The Daily Dose Launch Party

The Daily Dose Launch Party

The Daily Dose Launch Party

The Daily Dose Launch Party

ZARA: pink linen blazer & flower pants
MIU MIU: glitter heels

photography by Felipe Kolm


  • Katrin
    12 years ago

    Tolle Fotos, tolle Outfits, tolle Menschen – und ich LIEBE die pinken Luftballons 🙂

  • 12 years ago

    sieht sehr toll aus! muss gleich auf tdd nach mehr fotos von dem event suchen 🙂


  • 12 years ago

    You two girls are doing an amazing job! I’m already addicted to The daily dose! You are so inspirational and I mean it.

    • vicky
      12 years ago

      So sweet!!! thank youuu <3

  • 12 years ago

    Looks like a great launch 😀
    Love Lois xxx

  • Valeria
    12 years ago

    Dear Vicky, Congrats!
    I am reading your blog since some months, your pictures are so beautiful. Could you tell me what kind of lens do you use? Thank you in advance:)

    • vicky
      12 years ago

      Hi Valeria,

      thanks for the sweet words!

      I use a 50mm / f 1.4 lens, however, these pictures where taken by a photographer we hired, and I am pretty sure he worked with a much larger lens and a better camera than I own 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • 12 years ago

    Tolle Fotos und der Blazer – wow!

    Herzliche Grüße aus Mainhattan

  • 12 years ago

    Woher hast du den schönen Blazer?
    Schaut doch mal auf meinem Blog vorbei!

  • 12 years ago

    sehr schöne Fotos und sehr schöner Blazer!

  • 12 years ago

    How exciting, congrats !! Some super cool pics, by the way 😉

  • Anne
    12 years ago

    Wow!!! Super Bilder… Welchen schönen Nagellack trägst du???

  • 12 years ago

    Looks like the perfect night. Loving your outfit! Congrats on all of your success. It has been so fun to see your blog grow.

  • 12 years ago

    Tolle Fotos, tolles Outfit, tolle Location!

  • 12 years ago

    It looks like you had a great time and what a wonderful place to have the launch party. I love your outfit too, I will need to take a look in Zara for those.

    I hope all is going well with TDD and you are both enjoying it, I like taking a peak and having a nose around it. 🙂 Keep up the great work.


  • 12 years ago

    Looks like a fun party! Your pink blazer is so cute!

  • 12 years ago

    It was a great even and you girls did an amazing job!

  • 12 years ago

    Liebe Vicky, die Fotos sind sehr gelungen und sehen nach einem wunderschönen Abend aus! The Daily Dose ist ein tolles Projekt und ich wünsche euch weiterhin ganz viel Erfolg und Spaß dabei 🙂

    Liebste Grüße
    Shop Le Monde – Mein Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  • 12 years ago

    Zuerst natürlich viel Erfolg und Spaß bei eurem Projekt.
    Was sind das für Getränke auf dem letzten Bild, die mit dem Gemüse drin?
    Liebe Grüße

    • vicky
      12 years ago

      Liebe Mare,

      danke dir 🙂

      Das Rezept für die Cocktails gabs letzte Woche auf The Daily Dose zum Nachlesen 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • 12 years ago

    Gratuliere zu eurem neuen Blog!
    Tolle Bilder und die Location is der hammer und passt einfach perfekt zu euch!
    Liebe Grüße aus München,

  • 12 years ago

    Congrats:) The party decor and drinks looks amazing!

  • 11 years ago

    Congratulations and what a great story. Nice to see you both celebrate your success!!!

  • […] ihr sicher auf ein oder zwei Blogs einen Bericht über die Party gelesen (wenn nicht: hier oder hier oder hier oder hier oder hier) – deswegen erspare ich euch jetzt mal das ganze Drumherum und […]

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