What’s in my bag: Chanel Wallet on Chain

I did it. I bought my first Chanel bag. Actually, I bought two. But that is a whole different story… And since the bigger one of the two is still in the original packaging, waiting for a special day to be worn for the first time, I will focus on purchase 1 of 2 for the time being.

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Red Velvet

I’ll be honest with you guys, when it comes to Fashion Weeks, my outfits don’t look much different than they do most other days.

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Plans for the weekend

Hey Friday, you look mighty fine today! There are plenty of reasons to get excited about Fridays, but today our flight to Ibiza is reason N°1 on my list.

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From Milano, with love…

M ilan in September is nothing short of beautiful –  even despite the massive amount of people in the city enjoying the last bits of the Italian Summer.

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