PERSONAL: about support & being proud.
On Tuesday, the Madonna Blogger Award took place for the second time. Last year, I had the honor of being nominated alongside lots of other inspirational people. This year, Kathi and I were “spectators” but loved being able to support some of our nominated colleagues, who have become close friends over the years. I think it is safe to speak for the both of us, when I say that we absolutely adore the community that comes with our jobs. Of course, our readers are the best and such a great support-system on a daily basis, but we also love getting to hang out with lots of likeminded people who inspire us on a daily basis, aka other bloggers. Nothing makes us happier than to pass jobs on to others who may be a better fit for certain brands or brainstorming and exchanging ideas with others. Just like our Social Academy last year was such a heart project. We love sharing the things we’ve learned over the past years and getting to know new faces (and blogs).
© Singer
At the blogger award, I had one of my personal proudest moments in a while. Our good friend (and Miss Superwoman) Laura Karasinski got to announce Raphaela of heartblood as the Newcomer Of The Year. Raphaela was one of the many amazing girls and women who attended our Social Academy. To see her grow so much this past year and being honored for what she did was great. But then, as the host asked her who her inspiration was, and the first words out of her mouth were “Vicky Heiler and Ketch’em Bunnies!”, Kathi and I literally squealed of joy and threw our hands in the air. It was not because there were lots of people in the audience (probably 90% of which had never heard our names before), but because she went on to mention Sincerely Jules and the likes afterwards. Hearing our names in the same sentence as our own role models made me so incredibly, weirdly happy and proud.
Proud to have a job I love. Proud to get to know people that inspire and appreciate each other. And proud to have an awesome tribe that happens to be a ton of fun to be around! Now, please excuse me while I go and stalk Sincerely Jules and Song of Style on Instagram.
Ich fand den Blogger Award auch so schön und fand es toll so viele inspirierende Kollegen zu sehen.
Sehr schöner Beitrag Vicky! Musste auch voll grinsen weil ich genau in DEM Moment zu euch rüber gesehen habe das war echt herzig
Ich finde es wahnsinnig toll, dass ihr andere Blogger so unterstützt. Eine coole Gegeneinstellung zu dem Konkurrenzdenken, das ja viele haben. Hoffentlich startet ihr noch viele solche Projekte und ich habe mal das Glück dabei zu sein. Danke für die Inspiration, die ihr immer wieder liefert!
Liebe Grüße, Feli :*
Da kann ich mich der lieben Raphaela nur anschließen, ihr seid auch eine meiner größten Inspirationen und in meiner Familie und Freundeskreis weiß schon jeder, wen ich meine, wenn’s wieder heißt “die Vicky und die Kathi …” haha Danke dafür und macht so weiter! 🙂
x Bettina
This was so great to read! 🙂 In Norway, blogging is very dramatic, with the media and readers commenting and ripping apart everything they do. I’m so happy to be a part of some international blogging groups on Facebook, where all we do is support each other and build each other up! 🙂 There’s room for everyone at the top!
Super süßer Post liebe Vicky! Ihr habt es euch aber auch echt verdient im gleichen Satz erwähnt zu werden! Vielen dank für eure Daily Inspiration 🙂
xx marie
Schön, wenn man Vorbild und Inspiration für andere sein kann – das ist eine tolle Auszeichnung und sicher auch ein große Bestätigung, dass man in die richtige Richtung geht.
Ich finde es toll, wie ihr kleinere Blogs supportet und euer Wissen weitergebt. By the way ihr saht beide einfach umwerfend aus 🙂
Alles Liebe,
So proud of you too! You have some major accomplishments, and all under age 30- crazy!! xx
Vielen Dank für eure tägliche Inspiration! Ich hoffe ich kann das auch mal persönlich sagen irgendwann.
Unterstützung und Liebe ist immer wichtig, vor allem aber für die “kleinen” Blogger unter uns.