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RECIPE: my favorite green juice

RECIPE: my favorite green juice

Those of you that follow along on Instagram (@vickyheiler) have probably already gotten wind of the new addition to our kitchen – a juicer! I’ve been making juices non-stop since the second we got it and still can’t get enough. Seriously, so yumm! Since a lot of you have commented with questions, regarding the brand of our juicer and my favorite recipes, I thought it was time to share. For the month of August, I’ll be sharing a recipe every week. And today we’re starting with my favorite green juice recipe that is not only super healthy, but also absolutely delicious and refreshing: “The Best Celer-y”.

Green Juice Recipe with Celery and Spinach

As you may have already guessed, it involved celery – but also baby spinach, some mint and a bit of fruit! Here’s what you’ll need for about 250ml of green juice:
– 5 stalks of celery (3 is enough if its extra large)
– a handfull of baby spinach
– 1 apple
– 1 orange
– 5 to 8 leaves of fresh mint

Simply place everything in your juicer and serve over lots of ice!

Green Juice Recipe with Celery and Spinach

Green Juice Recipe with Celery and Spinach

Green Juice Recipe with Celery and Spinach

Green Juice Recipe with Celery and Spinach

For everyone that asked about our juicer: I bought it used from a friend for 80€ and it is by Philips. The exact name on the box is “Avance Collection Juicer HR1871/10” which costs around 160€ if you buy it new via Amazon. It works amazingly, but most importantly, it is super easy to clean! I know a few people are still hesitant about getting a juicer because they think the cleaning takes forever, this one requires about 2 minutes to clean. So easy! Definitely do it right away tho, that way you just need to hold it under running water because non of the fruit or vegetable leftovers get stuck.

Personally, I am a huge juice lover and think 4€ for a fresh juice are definitely justified just by how much “material” (meaning fruit and veggies) it actually takes for one juice. BUT: Getting a juice is absolutely worth the investment. Not only are you  a lot more flexible when and where you have your juice, but you can also experiment around with recipes and it is a perfect way to make use of leftover fruit or veggies in your fridge! Stay tuned for next week’s recipe – it’ll be something orange 🙂


  • 11 years ago

    I bought the exact same juicer last summer and still love it. Cleaning it is really really easy and done fast.
    I´m looking forward to your recipies, I usually throw just everything I have at togeher. And at the Moment I´m kind of into “purple juices”, who had thought how delicious some red beets, ananas and mint might be. 🙂

  • 11 years ago

    Wir hatten uns mal einen Entfaster ausgeliehen (ebenfalls von Freunden) und ich muss sagen: Tolle Sache, ABER bei dem Ding war das sauber machen wirklich entsetzlich. Seitdem bin ich wieder weg vom “Entsafter-haben-wollen” Feeling. Aber es schmeckt wirklich fantastisch!!!

  • 11 years ago

    Oh schon als ich deine Instagram-Fotos immer gesehen habe, wurde ich ganz neugierig, aber ich glaube jetzt hast du mich so richtig angefixt! Vielleicht muss es doch bald ein Juicer sein 🙂
    xoxo, Ronja

  • 11 years ago

    This sounds delicious! I absolutely love juicing. Will definitely be trying this ASAP!

  • 11 years ago

    I am also a juice lover and this green juice looks good in the picture, it must be very delicious. Gonna have a try…

  • 11 years ago

    Mmm, the mint sounds like a great, fresh touch!

  • 11 years ago

    Great minds think alike! 🙂 Green, celery juice? Yes!

  • 11 years ago

    That looks really really good. Im trying to perfect the greenjuice, but they all seems to come out a bit “spungy” when I make them. I will try this recipe. 🙂

  • […] last week’s green juice recipe I decided to switch things up a bit this week. Today’s juice follows a strict red/orange […]

  • […] Find more healthy fresh juice recipes HERE and HERE. […]

  • […] HERE if you follow me on Instagram. But ever since I saw Vicky’s two post (HERE and HERE – and there are more juice recipes coming on her blog!) and then also Nina’s post, I […]

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