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RECIPE: roasted roots.

Have you ever tried cutting out sugar entirely from your diet? If not, then let me tell you this: It is a nearly impossible task. You would not imagine how many things have added sugar in all forms, shapes and sizes. Glucose, fructose, maltitol, … you name it, they’ve got it! Unfortunately, I am stuck on a no-sugar diet by doctor’s orders until August, so mission impossible has become mission possible.

The first day at the grocery store, I started browsing labels of foods that I was 100% sure would be sugar-free. Nope. Sugar everywhere. In some form or another. I am not allowed any form, however, so I quickly found myself back in the fresh produce section and stocking up on organic vegetables. Since I can’t eat anything raw either, I skipped the tomatoes and cucumber for the Greek salad in favor of lots of root vegetables that are easy to digest. Time to get creative in the kitchen!

But let’s back-up for a second: What am I actually allowed to eat at the moment?

  • vegetables: (sweet) potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, parsley root, fennel, pumpkin, carrots, red and yellow beets, parsnip, mushrooms, avocado, asparagus, garlic, onion, artichoke.
  • lean meats & fish: beef, chicken, venison, trout, char, sea bass, salmon.
  • dairy: hard (but not aged) goat and cow cheeses, no sheep.
  • grains: buckwheat, rice, corn & quinoa
  • other: almonds, soy, unsweetened rice- and soy milk, fresh herbs, spices (not too hot)

While lunch and dinner are ok, breakfast is a whole other story. But I’ll share a recipe or two for that later on. Toady, it’s all about some super delicious roasted root vegetables topped with almonds and goat cheese.

RECIPE: roaste root vegetables | Bikinis & Passports

What you’ll need:

  • 3-4 small carrots
  • half a fennel bulb
  • 1 red onion
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • salt, pepper
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 5-8 almonds
  • 50 gr goat cheese (or feta)
  • fresh cilantro/coriander

Pre-heat the oven to around 180°C, then wash and prepare the vegetables on a baking sheet. Lightly drizzle with olive oil and season with salt + pepper. The baking time may vary depending on your oven and the size of the vegetables. For me it was around 20-25 minutes – in some ovens this step may take up to 30-40 minutes.
Once out of the oven, arrange the grilled root vegetables on a plate or platter (it also makes for a great side-dish with grilled chicken), drizzle with lemon juice and top with chopped almonds, crumbled goat cheese and fresh cilantro. Enjoy!

RECIPE: roaste root vegetables | Bikinis & Passports RECIPE: roaste root vegetables | Bikinis & Passports RECIPE: roaste root vegetables | Bikinis & Passports RECIPE: roaste root vegetables | Bikinis & Passports



  • 8 years ago

    Cooles Rezept und so schöne Fotos!

    Alles Liebe,

  • Tanja
    8 years ago

    Hast du dich schon einmal über Whole30 informiert? Hier wird auch Empfohlen, für 30 Tage komplett auf Zucker, Getreide, Alkohol, Soja, und ähnliches zu verzichten. Wäre in deiner momentanen Situation vielleicht interessant für Rezeptideen. Auf Insta auch unter @whole30recipes zu finden.

  • 8 years ago

    wow das rezept schaut ja super lecker aus 🙂 aber echt arg auf was du jz alles verzichten musst!
    bin gespannt auf weitere gesunde rezeptideen 🙂
    glg katy

  • 8 years ago

    Das schaut ja super lecker aus!
    Ich musste vor einer Weile für 3 Monate auf Gluten und jegliche Art von Tiermilch verzichten, was definitv auch eine Herausforderung war. Da kann man kaum fertige Sachen kaufen, aber man gewöhnt sich dran.
    Das Rezept schaut auf jeden Fall sehr lecker aus.


  • 8 years ago

    Looks absolutely delicious! <3

  • Ana
    8 years ago

    Ich kann dir Sarah Wilsons Bücher “Goodbye Zucker” empfehlen, tolle Rezepte und super Erklärungen!

  • Barbara
    7 years ago

    Thats not hard-only sugar I take to myself is in Prosecco. When I don’t drink it and also to not eat pizza there is no sugar in my life. It would be hard for me not to use salt or lemonjuice.
    Love your ideas with the sweet potatoes!

    Hope you feel fine now-you look great, slim but healthy!

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