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RECIPE: seasonal pasta with chanterelles

Sunday nights are always pasta nights at our place! Usually my sister joins in on the fun and we sit down with a big bowl of spaghetti bolognese and a bottle of red wine to end the weekend. However, once in a while it is fun to switch it up and go for something other than our signature bolognese sauce – just like a week ago, when I tried myself at a more seasonal pasta with a creamy white wine sauce and chanterelles. Mike loves chanterelles, but I rarely use them as an ingredient, since the cleaning process takes forever and they are only available for a few weeks during summer! But to my surprise there are quite a few tricks that can be found online to get the dirt of those little guys (ie. coating them in flour and then rinsing with cold water), so this recipe was actually much easier than expected and only took about 15 minutes to make.

RECIPE: seasonal pasta with chanterelles | Bikinis & Passports

What you’ll need:

– about 150gr of fresh pasta per person (we always pick ours up at Vapiano)
– a bit of olive oil
– 1 onion
– 50gr of chanterelles per person
– diced bacon or ham (skip this if you’re vegetarian – tastes just as good!)
– fresh parsley
– white wine
– heavy cream
– salt & pepper

Start by washing & cutting your chantarelles to prepare them for the sauce. Then dice the onions, while heating up a pan with about a teaspoon of olive oil. Brown the onions and bacon or ham and then toss in the cleaned chanterelles. Once those are lightly roasted, deglaze with a splash of white wine. Let the wine simmer for a bit and then add about 150ml of heavy cream. Bring everything to a boil, season with salt & pepper and add some fresh chopped parsley. While all of that is going on, bring salted water to a boil and cook the fresh pasta for about 2 minutes. Super easy, right? And MEGA yummy!!

RECIPE: seasonal pasta with chanterelles | Bikinis & Passports RECIPE: seasonal pasta with chanterelles | Bikinis & Passports RECIPE: seasonal pasta with chanterelles | Bikinis & Passports RECIPE: seasonal pasta with chanterelles | Bikinis & Passports

PS. please excuse the quality of these photos – I only had my phone on hand and took a few quickies while cooking 🙂


  • 12 years ago

    This looks yummy! Looks similar to carbonara which is one of my favourite pasta dishes!

    Aysha x

  • 12 years ago

    Ach Vicky, die Fotos sind doch immer noch sehr hübsch 🙂 Und das Essen hört sich super super lecker an!

  • Sarah
    12 years ago

    This looks great Vicky! I think I will actually try this recipe with friends this week. By the way I love reading your blog – much love from Canada!

  • 12 years ago

    That pasta looks so delicious ! Great job with the photography .. excited to try out this recipe

  • Dori
    12 years ago

    Das werd’ ich in der kommenden Woche ganz bestimmt nachkochen! Hab mich schon total gefreut, als ich letztens beim Einkaufen frische Pfifferlinge gesehen habe und jetzt kommt direkt das passende Rezept 🙂

  • 12 years ago

    mmmmm yummy. am trying this for sure. xxx

  • 12 years ago

    Mmmh sieht extrem lecker aus! 🙂

  • 12 years ago

    Das sieht ja super aus! Werd ich auf jeden Fall mal nachkochen 🙂
    Darf ich fragen, welche Schriftart das ist bei dem “Seasonal pasta”? Danke dir 🙂

  • 12 years ago

    Mhhm sieht total lecker aus, ich denke ich muss das mal nach kochen 🙂

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