work + travel.
As much as I love the freedom of being my own boss and the option of working from home when I feel like it, I also know that I require certain parameters in order to be productive.
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As much as I love the freedom of being my own boss and the option of working from home when I feel like it, I also know that I require certain parameters in order to be productive.
Have you ever tried cutting out sugar entirely from your diet? If not, then let me tell you this: It is a nearly impossible task.
…CONTINUED Saturday, July 15th Same spiel as every day: the alarm rings at 7:15am and almost intuitively we make our magnesium citrate drink, pull some oil and get dressed – this time in workout clothes since I have a personal trainer lesson after breakfast.
The older I get, the more important my own personal health becomes to me – both the mental and physical health.
It has been 10 days since I had my last cup of coffee. And I miss it every day. So why did I quit, you ask?
The weather in L.A. is not always as sunny as you’d expect it to be. Especially in May and June, the famous “June Gloom”
Tucked away behind a big, dark green hedge, you’ll find the L’Horizon Palm Springs on East Palm Canyon Drive. What awaits behind said hedge is my new favorite boutique hotel in the world (setting the bar high in only the second sentence, I know).
Originally, we picked Palm Springs as a destination during our California trip because it more or less guarantees good weather and since there is not much to do in the desert (or so we thought), it is a perfect excuse to spend the days being lazy by the pool and sipping on cocktails.
It has been 13 years since I lived in Southern California (Orange County). Back in the days, we used to go up to Los Angeles occasionally, but not too often.
Being self-employed for almost 3 years now (yay!) has been one of the greatest lessons in life to me personally. I feel like I have grown and learned so much.