Seaside Accessories (on sale)
Sale season has started and quite frankly, I am still not over the whole seashell accessory trend just yet. As the temperatures are picking up, so is my lust for adorning my looks with seaside inspired necklaces and earrings. Pearls, petite shells and corals are the essence of summer, hence, adding them to your look will make even the most basic white shirt scream beach babe! As the sales are just starting out, I have had a look around my go-to online shops and picked out a few of my personal highlights from the category of seashell accessories – can’t help my love for a good bargain!
Ich liebe das! Habe auch eine Kette mit einem Muschelanhänger. <3
Liebe Grüße, Sandra /
All das schreit so richtig nach MEHR MEER! ♥
You are looking so adorable. Love your style, and love your seashell earrings too.