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BEAUTY TALK: dear hyaluronic acid…

BEAUTY TALK: dear hyaluronic acid…

… I love you.
But let’s start from the beginning.

My skin and I, we don’t always get along. As an adult, I have learned to deal with the eczema much better than when I was younger, but I still have those difficult phases every now and then. Unfortunately, this Winter things spiralled out of hand a bit. Back in October, I caught the flu and was stuck in bed for 9 days with my immune system completely knocked-out. Shortly after, I had my second conjunctivitis and started having allergic reactions to my beloved lash extensions. My skin and eyes got worse by the day and I couldn’t wear my contacts any longer while my skin was literally cracking from the severe dryness. I understand that it is sometimes hard to believe these kinds of stories, when all you guys see are pictures of me on my good days. I have never had problems with impurities or acne, but dry skin and eczema will probably be something I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life. And that is ok.

EDITED Trenchcoat | Bikinis & Passports

I have learned to accept my skin, but more importantly I have learned what works for me personally. Which brings me back to hyaluronic acid.

When I was younger, everyone that heard about my eczema would recommend various oils and super thick creams. I never understood why those things were not helping at all for me. Instead of relief these types of products actually caused my skin to itch more. I felt like the skin couldn’t breath and I needed to scratch everything off. That’s because my skin condition is not something topical (even though the eczema rash is topical). It comes from deeper within, is stress-related and my skin simply lacks a ton of hydration in the deeper layers of the dermis.

As we all know (or have probably heard), hyaluronic acid has powerful anti-aging properties and is also one of the premier hydrating ingredients for skin. (Even for oily, sensitive, or breakout-prone skin). It naturally occurs in the skin and plays an important role in maintaining moisture. Moisture, in return, is responsible for young, plump and radiant-looking skin – aka the glow!

EDITED Trenchcoat | Bikinis & Passports SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier Review | Bikinis & Passports

“There are many, many things upon which skincare experts disagree, but hyaluronic acid isn’t one of them. Your skin needs it to look bouncy and juicy because it nourishes the skin, keeping its matrix strong, and acts as a humectant, carrying up to 1000 times its own weight in water. It also plays a role in healing and keeping the production of other youth-ifying components like collagen and elastin high. In short, hyaluronic acid acts as your skin’s cushion.” (source)

Well, guess what happens when you have dry skin at a younger age: Your skin has more wrinkles and ages easier.

This is something that I started noticing about 3 years ago. While 25 is not an age where you typically start having wrinkles, the areas of my face that have been affected the most by the eczema were starting to get wrinkly. This Winter, when things were the worst they’ve been in years, my eyes constantly looked old and tried, while the skin under my nose was always cracked and wrinkled.

That’s why products with hyaluronic acid are always (!!) my favorite. Not only because the packaging usually reads something about anti-aging, but because they instantly calm down and sooth my skin. It took a long time to figure out which ingredients actually work for me, and which don’t, but I think that I speak for most people when I declare my love for hyaluronic acid!

Aquazzura Lace-Up Flats | Bikinis & Passports SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier Review | Bikinis & Passports

I was recently approached by SkinCeuticals if I wanted to be amongst the first to test the new H.A. Intensifier, a multi-functional corrective serum to help amplify the skin’s hyaluronic acid levels. Umm, yess please!

Here is what package promised:

“H.A. Intensifier is a multi-beneficial corrective serum proven to amplify skin’s hyaluronic acid levels. This unique formulation contains a high concentration of pure hyaluronic acid, proxylane™, and botanical extracts of licorice root and purple rice to support skin’s hyaluronic acid levels and deliver surface hydration, helping improve the visible appearance of firmness, smoothness, and facial plumpness. This hyaluronic acid serum may be used as part of a home skincare regimen after dermal fillers; always consult with your physician for individual at-home advice.”

SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier Review | Bikinis & Passports SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier Review | Bikinis & Passports SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier Review | Bikinis & Passports

SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier Review: I have been using the corrective serum for a few weeks now and 100% love it. Which comes as no surprise, since SkinCeuticals products have worked really well for me in the past and their Hydrating B5 Gel (also oil free!) was one of those products that worked wonders on my skin in the past. The only downside is the pricepoint at almost 79€ per bottle for the H.A. Intensifier and 60€ for the Hydrating B5 Gel. But if you have ever had problems with your skin, you’ll understand me when I tell you guys that I stopped caring about the money at some point. Heck, I was seeing various dermatologists with rates of 150€ per visit and spending 100€ on pure vitamin c injections to help with the stressed skin.

The SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier comes in a dark purple bottle with a dropper. I have been using about half the dropper (4-5 drops) twice daily after cleaning my face with micellar water and before applying my regular moisturizer. I use it all over my face but with some extra attention (= an extra drop) around the eyes and below the nose.

What I have noticed? The biggest improvement to personally is not even the way my skin looks (= more hydrated & smoother), but the way it feels. Dry skin usually feels much worse than it actually looks to others, but when you feel your skin itch and strain all day, you just don’t feel very confident and comfortable in your own skin. And at the end of the day, to me it is all about feeling comfortable in my skin!

Long story short: Dear hyaluronic acid, I love you!

EDITED Trenchcoat | Bikinis & Passports
EDITED Trenchcoat | Bikinis & Passports
EDITED Trenchcoat | Bikinis & Passports

Aquazzura Lace-Up Flats | Bikinis & PassportsEDITED Trenchcoat | Bikinis & Passports

EDITED: trenchcoat (or here for Austria) // UZWEI: cashmere sweater // NA-KD: jeans // AQUAZZURA: flats (60% off!!) // GENTLE MONSTER: sunglasses // ANNA I.J.: choker

*in friendly collaboration with SkinCeuticals


  • 8 years ago

    Du hast soo soo schöne Haut liebe Vicky, ich bin zwar mit meinen auch relativ zufrieden, aber ich habe zwar nicht Akne, aber eher eine Art von Ausschlag oder so, auch trotz Masken, Öle… Aber danke für den lieben Tipp, hört sich super an! <3
    Liebe Grüße,
    Sandra /

  • 8 years ago

    Ich habe auch Eczema und Neurodermitis und kann dich total verstehen! Als ich in Portugal gewohnt habe war es immer im Sommer schlimmer, ich glaube weil es so warm war und ich mehr geschwitzt habe. Wie ich nach Österreich umgezogen bin, fing es an auch im Winter schlimm zu werden und am Anfang kannte ich mich überhaupt nicht mehr aus. Du hast vollkommen Recht – es ist nicht nur etwas Topisches! Bei mir hat es zB auch mit dem Stress zu tun, was ich esse und natürlich die Produkte die ich benutze.

    xoRosie // Curvy Life Stories

  • Sylvia
    8 years ago

    Man kann das wirklich kaum glauben wenn man deine Bilder immer so sieht. Ich bin zwar ein ähnlicher Typ (hell mit Sommersprossen) habe aber so richtig typische Mischaut die zu Unreinheiten neigt wenn ich zu viel dran rum mache. Hautpflege ist glaub eins der Schwierigsten Dinge überhaupt…

    Liebe Grüsse
    Sylvia – Foto- & Lifestyleblog

  • 8 years ago

    Every time you talk about your skin problems I am so surprised because I always think of you when thinking about “bloggers with great skin” (and hairdryers in hotels but that’s another story). You always look so glowy! And I envy your freckles so much!

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Hi E.,

      generally speaking, I do have great skin (on my good days), but I also have super terrible skin sometimes. No impurities or pimples, but just super dry and flaky which looks even worse when you apply make-up. It just goes to show that the blog and my social channels only represent a certain part of my life and, like most others, I usually only publish images on days when I feel my best 🙂 I just want you guys to know that!

      xox Vicky

  • 8 years ago

    Ich habe zwar keine super trockene Haut wie du, dafür aber Akne und die wird mich -wie dich deine trockene Haut – ebenfalls wohl das ganze Leben begleiten. Es ist wirklich krass, wie schnell sich Stress etc. auf das Hautbild auswirken.
    Bei mir hat es ebenfalls Jahre gedauert bis ich weg von den angeblich wunderbaren Anti-Pickel Waschgelen kam hin zu milden Abschminkölen. Gepaart mit AHA’s und BHA’s als Säure Peeling habe ich meine Haut halbwegs im Griff. Nur wenn es stressig wird, rebelliert sie.
    Schön, dass du etwas gefunden hast, das dir hilft. Und danke, dass du das mit uns teilst <3

    Lg Anne

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Liebe Anne,

      ja, die Haut ist halt einfach irgendwie der Spiegel der Seele. Auch schlechte Ernährung macht sich bei mir immer schnell bemerkbar und wenig Schlaf genauso.

      xox Vicky

    • Angie
      8 years ago

      Hallo Anne, danke für den Tipp.
      Ich werde es dann auch mal mit Abschminkölen versuchen… Habe es auch satt ständig andere Waschpeelings gegen unreite Haut zu kaufen, die dann nie funktionieren. Auch La Roche Posay zum Beispiel 🙁 Never ending story


  • 8 years ago

    Wow, I actually find this post so helpful! Even though I am very lucky to have good skin which only breaks out a little bit (one or two pimples) when I am stressed or sick, I still struggle to find the right products for it. For example to find something hydrating so that my skin and face overall does not look so tired all the time .. but I guess overall, the best thing for everybody’s skin is the sun and it’s vitamins, right? ;D

  • 8 years ago

    Schön, dass du für dich etwas gefunden hast, dass dir so gut hilft!
    Ich verwende auch seit längerem Hyaluronsäure, aber pur und bin sehr begeistert davon.

    xo ♥
    Claudine /

  • Stefanie
    8 years ago

    Could you please share the brand and name of this lovely nail polish?

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Hi Stefanie,

      unfortunately it is a Shellac. The brand is called BeautX and die Color is 131 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • Patrycja
    8 years ago

    HI Stefanie,
    ich benutze von SkinCeuticals das Produkt Hydrating B5. Und bin begeistert! Wie lange hat denn bei Dir eine Flasche von dem H.A. Intensifier? Bin am überlegen, ob ich es ausprobieren soll….
    Danke und lieben Gruß!

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Hi Patrycja,

      also ich verwende das Produkt seit Anfang März und habe jetzt noch ca. die halbe Flasche (bin aber seeehr großzügig und verwende mehr als die empfohlenen 3 Tropfen). Nutze das Produkt 2x täglich und denke ich werde so 2-3 Monate mit einer Flasche auskommen 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • Chloe
    8 years ago

    What is the difference between the HA Intensifier and Hydrating B5 gel? I use the Hydrating B5 gel and get serious eczema on my upper lip and eyes! Do you recommend both, or is one generally better than the other? Thanks 🙂

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Hi Chloe,

      I have used both and consider the results very similar. The HA Intensifier is a little “thicker” in texture and the liquid is dark purple whereas the Hydrating B5 is clear and a little “thinner” from my experience. I think the difference is that the HA Intensifier focuses on building up the Hyaluronic Acid levels in the skin to reduce lines (at the same time adding moisture), while Hydrating B5 is specifically for the moisture.

      I have eczema in the exact same spots as you (between upper lip and nose, and around the eyes), which usually results in dryer, more “wrinkly” skin that tends to be red. Both products worked really well for me, but I think if your main objective is moisture rather than reducing lines I would stick with the Hydrating B5. Still to date one of my all-time favorite products from SkinCeuticals and it was the one that was first recommended to me by a dermatologist 🙂

      Hope this helps!
      xox Vicky

  • […] I was amongst the first to test the new H.A. Intensifier earlier this year (read the post here). In terms of comfort on the skin and consistency, I think it is very similar to the Hydrating B4 […]

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