The Big Easy

It is no secret that I am a major denim girl. I love a good pair of jeans more than most other items in my closet and it is usually my go-to choice.


Mid-January is usually when my tolerance for Winter starts to decline drastically. Up until Christmas Winter time flies by, then I am caught in the holiday spirit surrounded by my loved ones, start the new year with the best intentions and get excited about a bit of snow and a crisp blue sky in the mountains.

The Perfect Coat

The fact that a camel coat ranks at the very top of the Fall must-have list is old news. And by now, you have probably come across countless outfits, pictures and posts about said key piece for the colder season.

Fall Fashion Fix

In the middle of that strangely comforting, yet utterly difficult to pinpoint season somewhere between warm Summer days and a cold Winter approaching (no sign yet, even on the last day of October), I find it more and more difficult to dress in the mornings.

City-Suitable Sweats

I don’t believe that there are many rules to dressing “right” and think everyone is entitled to wear whatever they feel most comfortable in.

Lady in Red

Red is not one of my favorite colors. Or so I thought. Turns out that every color can be beautiful, as soon as the right piece of clothing comes along.

Manhattan Bridge

Whenever I am in L.A., I think it is my favorite city ever. When I am in New York, I am convinced it is the cooles city in the world.

la mercerie

When it comes to the ultimate basics, there is not much that can compete with the classic combination of a white shirt and blue jeans.