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CRAVINGS: swim discoveries.

CRAVINGS: swim discoveries.

As I am currently lounging by the pool in Mallorca and still have our trip to Miami to look forward to in September, I’ve spent an awful lot of time researching (and shoppping) bikinis to round up my personal top 5 swimwear brands and discoveries. However, I like to think of it as business related research since the blog is called “Bikinis & Passports” after all. While browsing online and stalking Instagram accounts, I found myself going back to similar styles and colors again and again. So what is currently trending in my world when it comes to swimwear?

CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports

Bikini Trend Talk
There are various elements that spoke to me personally, but I think the overall trend I am currently loving is minimalism. Delicate and simple shapes (think thin straps and classic triangles) in combination with a monochrome colors like a deep berry red or luxurious mint green. Of course, black is always a great choice and timeless investment, just like an off-white or charcoal gray!

And because sharing is caring, I put together a list with my top 5 swim cravings and must-haves for you today. Some are new kids on the block, some have made their way around the world through social media and others are true classics that I feel everyone should own.

CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports

  • MIKOH: A brand that originates in San Clemente in Orange County is one that I more or less have to love. I grew up in the coastal cities next to San Clemente (Dana Point & Laguna Beach), which makes me feel weirdly close to the brand. MIKOH has actually been on my radar for years but I have yet to make my first investment. Aside from their monochrome pieces, I also love the delicate palm prints they work with occasionally.


  • SCIC Swimwear: Another brand that I have a personal connection with is SCIC. Founded by fellow blogger lady Sofia of She Comes In Colors, I can’t help but love her pieces. Since launching her swim line, she’s spent quite a bit of time in Miami, which also happens to be a fun inspiration for our upcoming vacation 4 weeks from today – totally counting the days! The plunge body lace up suit in the muted gray is my favorite item, but how cute is her signature floral print as well?
  • She Made Me: Crochet swimwear at its best! This label enchant you with their boho vibes. I love the cuts and little details like the shells. For a laid-back beachy outfit I could also imagine wearing one of their tops with a high-waited pant to lunch.


  • S O M M Ξ R . S W I M: Considering the fact that their Instagram account has close to 100k followers, I am definitely not the first to discover this brand. For some reason, however, I had never heard of them until earlier this week and it was love at first sight. For our trip to Miami I ordered the ELLE top and RAYDER bottoms in the color “bolero”. Now if I could just order a body like that to go with it …
  • Marysia: Last but not least, this is a brand that I am sure most of you know or have seen. Their black scalloped edge bikini has been my go-to piece for anything water related (last worn here) and was such a great investment last year! I’d love to add a light pink to my collection but still have some saving to do until then!

CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & PassportsCRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports CRAVINGS: top 5 swimwear brands & discoveries | Bikinis & Passports


  • 9 years ago

    I am also loving simple cuts and shapes, this year I got a deep blue bikini top that I am loving and wearing almost non-stop to the lake! I like all of your choices, even though I wouldn’t be able to wear them (big boobs problem xD). Hope you’re having a good time in Mallorca!

    xoRosie //Rosie’s Life

  • 9 years ago

    Eine wunderschöne Auswahl <3 Die süßen Strickbikinis von She made me gefallen mir besonders gut!
    Liebst Kothi

  • Lyn
    9 years ago

    They’re all so beautiful! Makes me wanna buy some bikinis but no holiday for me this year during circumstances so I bought one bikini from River Island (the black one with crochet that Kathi has)
    I was wondering why you like triangle bikinis more than bandeaus? Is there a specific reason? 🙂
    Oh and your Agent Provocateur bikini is also still one of my faves!!
    Enjoy Mallorca <3
    xox Lyn

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      Hi Lyn,

      I personally don’t really like bandeau bikinis that much because I feel they are a bit unflattering for anyone that has more than a size A cup 🙂 I feel that triangle tops are better to keep everything in place – if you know what I mean 🙂

      xox Vicky

      • Lyn
        9 years ago

        Definitely understand, it’s just always such a struggle to have as less tan lines as possible 🙂
        Have a nice day!

  • Isabelle
    9 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,

    Tolle Zusammenstellung!!
    In Miami kann ich dir nur den store Nic del Mar empfehlen. Dort habe ich mir letztes Jahr einen Bikini von Mikoh “gegönnt” 🙂
    Ich hätte noch eine Frage zu deiner Bestellung bei sommer swim. Und zwar, hast du direkt auf der Website bestellt und kamen Zollgebühren auf dich zu?

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      Hi Isabelle,

      danke dir für den Tipp! Werd ich mir auf jeden Fall anschauen 🙂 und wegen Sommer kann ich dir leider noch nix sagen da ich aktuell auf das Paket warte. Aber glaube Shipping war schon inkl Zoll. Und ja genau, hab direkt auf der Seite bestelle weil ich online keinen anderen Anbieter gefunden hab.

      xox Vicky

  • andie
    9 years ago

    Hi Vicky, super schöne Auswahl!
    Ich kann dir noch eres Bikinis empfehlen. Sind zwar nicht ganz günstig (wobei…auch nicht mehr als die anderen in der Auswahl :))aber sind jeden Cent wert. Selbst der Bandeau Bikini sitzt super! Und Bower Swimwear ist auch sehr zu empfehlen, schöne Farben und sehr schlicht!
    xx andie

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