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Things To Do In Palm Springs.

Things To Do In Palm Springs.

Originally, we picked Palm Springs as a destination during our California trip because it more or less guarantees good weather and since there is not much to do in the desert (or so we thought), it is a perfect excuse to spend the days being lazy by the pool and sipping on cocktails. Funny enough though, we ended up finding so many thing to do in Palm Springs, that we left the hotel every day to do some exploring. The desert city 100% stole my heart and we are currently already planning our next stay in 2018, which is why I wanted to share some of my personal highlights in Palm Springs with you guys today.

Things To Do In Palm Springs | Bikinis & Passports

Things To Do In Palm Springs

  • That Pink Door: 1100 E Sierra Way. You have probably spotted it on Instagram during Coachella or as a backdrop for bloggers’ outfit shoots. I went running one morning on the hunt for the prettiest door in pink and found it. It really is super photogenic, as is the entire street it is situated on. I adore the architecture in Palm Springs and exploring neighborhoods is a definite recommendation. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to take the Palm Springs Modernism Tour (where you actually get to enter some of the houses) but I can’t wait to do that the next time we visit.

  • Joshua Tree National Park: Only about 1-hour drive from Palm Springs, you’ll find Joshua Tree National Park, which is a must-see if you have a few extra hours to spare. We left the hotel at 7 am and were in the park by 8:15. The landscape is stunning and great for a hike.

  • Palm Springs Art Museum: Not one of the most impressive museums I have ever seen but they did feature some real gems such as work by Bertoia, native American art and a cool sculpture garden. Plus it was a great way to escape the lunchtime heat. Free admission every Thursday from 4-8 p.m.

  • Desert X “Mirage”: This was my personal highlight and unfortunately also something that is not permanent. Part of the Desert X exhibition, the mirror house by Doug Aiken is one of 16 artworks scattered around the Coachella Valley as part of the  contemporary-art festival organized by curator Neville Wakefield. The optical effect the mirrored surfaced have is simply stunning, as is the view over Coachella Valley. Unfortunately the exhibition is already partly over and the house will only be available to visitors until October 2017.

  • Cabazon Dinosaurs: Another favorite on Instagram and definitely a cool stop on the way back to L.A.. The dinos are huge and it is just such a fun sight. 50770 Seminole Dr, Cabazon, CA 92230

  • Food: We tried a different restaurant in Palm Springs every day and I have to say, most (or actually all) were amazing. Our hotel’s very own SO•PA is all-outdoor venue and you have to try the gazpacho, go to Mr. Lyons for incredible steak and a beautiful interior, the Workshop Kitchen + Bar located in an old movie theatre and with a farm-to-table approach, Cheeky’s for breakfast (Huevos Rancheros!) Norma’s at The Parker for brunch or lunch (although super pricy) and Raw Remedy Juice Bar for a green smoothie.

Things To Do In Palm Springs: Cabazon Dinosaurs | Bikinis & PassportsThings To Do In Palm Springs: Lunch at Norma's - The Parker Palm Springs| Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Lunch at Norma's - The Parker Palm Springs| Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Desert X Mirage Doug Aiken | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Desert X Mirage Doug Aiken | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Desert X Mirage Doug Aiken | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Desert X Mirage Doug Aiken | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Modernism, Cool Doors & Houses | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Modernism, Cool Doors & Houses | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs | Bikinis & PassportsThings To Do In Palm Springs: Modernism, That Pink Door | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Cabazon Dinosaurs | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Cabazon Dinosaurs | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Cabazon Dinosaurs | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs | Bikinis & Passports Things To Do In Palm Springs: Breakfast at Cheeky's | Bikinis & PassportsJoshua Tree National Park Outfit | Bikinis & Passports Joshua Tree National Park Outfit | Bikinis & Passports


  • 8 years ago

    Die rosa Tür ist ja echt super instatauglich – Palm Springs habe ich bis jetzt auch eher mit trockener Wüste assoziiert. dein ausführlicher Bericht und die tollen Fotos machen aber echt Lust auf einen Urlaub dort.

    Liebe Grüsse, Sonja <3

  • 8 years ago

    Besonders die Fotos vom National Park gefallen mir so gut und sind sehr eindrücklich. Mein großer Wunsch wäre, einmal selbst diese unberührte Natur hautnah erleben zu können…

    Liebe Grüße
    Luisa von Sparkly Inspiration

  • 8 years ago

    Ganz ganz toller Beitrag mit wundervollen Tipps liebe Vicky!!!! Danke sehr dafür, zwar glaube ich nicht, dass ich demnächst nach Palm Springs schauen werde, aber wer weiß. 😉 Auf jeden Fall ist Kalifornien mein absoluter Traum Reiseziel. Die Bilder sind einfach soo traumhaft und deine Outfits immer so passend zur Location! Tolle Arbeit. <3
    Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende,

  • 8 years ago

    Traumhaft!! Dieses Spiegelhaus ist ja der Wahnsinn! Wirklich schön! 🙂
    GLG, Andrea
    Pebbles and Blooms

  • 8 years ago

    So schön! Und Danke für die Tipps!
    Ich habe auf meiner California Reise Palm Springs nicht geschafft, aber jetzt wo AUA LA direkt anfliegt, werde ich für 2018 wieder mal was planen. Plam Springs und Hawaii sind jetzt auf meiner Liste.
    LG Bea von

  • 8 years ago

    Super schöne Eindrücke aus Palm Springs. Da möchte ich auch einmal total gerne hin. Der NP hat es mir besonders angetan <3
    Liebst Kathi

  • […] desert. Even though I have personally never been (and will probably never go), I do have a major love affair with Palm Springs. Far beyond Coachella, from mid-century modern architecture to endless palm trees and the abundance […]

  • […] um die Ecke des bekannten ACE Hotels. Wenn ihr mehr über Palms Spring wissen wollt kann ich euch diesen Post von Vicky […]

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