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TRAVEL TIP: shampure dry conditioner.

TRAVEL TIP: shampure dry conditioner.

While I have an entire cabinet dedicated to my beauty favorites at home, in my own bathroom, traveling usually forces me to really think about my daily routine and what the essentials are. Aside from the fact that carry-on luggage will only allow a few liquid products that all have to be under 100ml, I am also limited to the size of my toiletry bag – even for the checked suitcase. In other words: I try to only bring what is really necessary!

Aveda Shampure Thermal Dry Conditioner - Bikinis & Passports

That’s why today’s travel tip is the shampure thermal dry conditioner by Aveda. The product instantly conditions, detangles and softens your hair in between washes, which is perfect on vacation (or at home, obviously) when you don’t have time to wash your hair on a daily basis. Plus, it will allow you to save some water in the process. Even just an extra 3 minutes in the shower to wash your hair will generally use around 6 gallons (24 Litres) of water! I am lucky in the sense that my hair never gets greasy (even if I go 4 or 5 days without washing it), so a product like the Aveda shampure thermal dry conditioner is perfect to give the hair some extra care between washes, or when I spend a lot of time in the sun and in the ocean.

A blend of certified organic jojoba and sunflower oils help condition and detangle hair and it calms the senses with an aroma of 25 pure flower and plant essences including certified organic lavender, petitgrain and ylang ylang. It kind of smells like a mini-trip to the spa. 

Aveda Shampure Thermal Dry Conditioner - Bikinis & Passports

Why is it great for traveling? The bottle is exactly 100ml, you can leave your regular, big bottle of conditioner at home, it has a heat-protecting feature (great for styling!) and will leave your hair smelling and looking like you just walked out of the salon! By the way, with the code „dryconditioner“ you guys will get a free sample (10ml) of the Shampure Thermal Dry Conditioners with every order before May 31st 2017.

Good to know: Aveda also has a dry shampoo as part of their Shampure range.

Aveda Shampure Thermal Dry Conditioner - Bikinis & Passports Aveda Shampure Thermal Dry Conditioner - Bikinis & Passports Aveda Shampure Thermal Dry Conditioner - Bikinis & Passports

*in friendly collaboration with AVEDA.


  • 8 years ago

    The product sounds super useful – unfortunately my hair can’t go without washing for more than two days, which is not good at all for my hair (the air drying and straightening doesn’t make it better) – so from time to try I try to avoid washing it by using a dry shampoo or just let them air dry.

    These pictures btw, are simply beautiful!

    Best wishes, Sonja

  • 8 years ago

    Woooow, toller Beitrag liebe vicky. Ich finde den Tipp echt super, danke dafür. Die Produkte hören sich echt super an. 😉 Du siehst übrigens auf den Photos wunderschön aus und die Photos an sich sind auch mega gut geworden! <3
    Liebe Grüße,
    Sandra /

  • 8 years ago

    Ohh das finde ich gerade total toll, dass man das Produkt gratis zur Bestellung bekommt.
    Da ich sowieso etwas bestellen wollte, bin ich gerade sehr begeistert 😀
    Die Fotos sind übrigens ein Traum 🙂

    Liebe Grüße,

  • Nina
    8 years ago

    Ich liebe generell den tollen Geruch von Aveda Produkten! Himmlich!
    Was ist das für eine tolle Hose und was für ein hübsches Top? Auch wenn es noch immer sehr kühl ist und in Strömen regnet, schaue ich schon fleißig nach lässigen Summer Outfits. 🙂
    LG, Nina

  • 8 years ago

    Oh das klingt ja wirklich super und deine Haare sehen toll aus. Und ich suche sowas schon wirklich sehr lange, was genau in Reisegröße ist. Das ist gar nicht so einfach leider.

  • Eva
    8 years ago

    Deine Haare sind einfach ein Traum!

  • Leni
    8 years ago

    Ein wirklich tolles und hilfreiches Produkte liebe Vicky!
    xx Leni von

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