TRAVEL TIP: upgrade to heaven.
Welcome to my first travel tip of the year (and ever, for that matter). For a long time now, I have been wanting to add a new category to my blog to feature more travel-related content aside from my personal hotel reviews and impressions from my trips. Traveling is one of my biggest passions and it is something that I constantly get caught up in. Aside from my own trips, there is a lot of stuff I come across that I either want to safe for later or share with you guys. But I never really knew how to package it. That’s why I am starting my travel tips. These are things that I come across and inspire me.
What can you expect? Stylish boutique hotels, smart travel gear, new destinations, inspiring books or guides, amazing deals and much more. I constantly have my eyes open for those kinds of things and since the most recent post about my travel plans was so well received by you guys, I figured it is a topic that you guys love aswell. Ideally, I’d love for this to turn into an exchange of inspiration and ideas. Just yesterday, a follower sent me the most awesome boutique hotel tip for L.A. that she spotted on Instagram and thought of me (so sweet, right?). I’ll share my favorite travel tips and would love to hear yours.
That being said, here goes Travel Tip no.1: UPGRADE TO HEAVEN. It is probably the most interesting concept ever behind a coffee table book for the traveling soul. Not only does it present a worldwide selection of the most inspiring and luxurious boutique hotels, but it also comes with a special upgrade card that will grant you valuable upgrades in 50 of the world’s best hotels. Plus, it has something to offer for everyone. Whether you are looking for relaxing weekends, business travel or beach holidays – it is all there!
“Every hotel featured in the book guarantees to grant you, as the owner of the book, a single free upgrade for your booking to at least the next highest room category.
If the upgrade is unavailable due to the hotel being fully booked, UPGRADE TO HEAVEN-guests can look forward to receiving appropriate substitute services from the hotel, such as spa treatments, dinner or lunch invitations or similar.”
*open photo in new tab for lager view
Vogue Germany called it “the must-have travel accessory for globetrotters” and originally I wanted to share this as a great gift idea before Christmas with you guys. Unfortunately Christmas is over, but good gift ideas work year-round, right? Maybe you have a birthday coming up (guess what’ll be on my wishlist this year!) or want to surprise your better half with some serious travel inspo – just because. Either way, be sure to keep UPGRADE TO HEAVEN coffee table book in mind.
Ein super Buch liebe Vicky, liegt auch bei mir auf dem Wohnzimmertisch zurzeit. Ich liebe es ebenso wie du, in besonderen Design- & Boutiquehotels zu übernachten und musste es daher sofort haben 🙂
Liebe Grüße, Svenja
Danke für den Tipp, meine ganze Familie mag Reisen total gerne und das wäre einfach das perfekte Geschenk!
Hab einen schönen Abend,
Sandra /
I think this approach to traveling is kind of sad. You travel around the world and don’t get to know local customs, people and their daily lives, you just visit more or less the same luxury hotels, boutiques and spas everywhere. You eat poached eggs on avocado toast and sip pomegranate lemonade in l.a., bangkok, marrakesh and singapur. And in some countries it’s even worse: You hide in luxury enclaves with private beaches while the population suffers dictators, low wages and absent health care. This kind of traveling ruins the idea of traveling that broadens the horizon and promotes compassion and an exchange of ideas.
Hi Kalyn,
thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I would have to disagree with the first part of your statement. I feel that the hotel does not have to reflect on the travel experience. Just because one decides to sleep in a stunning hotel, does not mean that it is a sad approach to traveling. There are still plenty of ways to experience the local customs, people and daily lives. For example, one of the hotels I spotted in the book is the Wiesergut in Saalbach, which I visited in Summer with my mom. The hotel depends on homegrown and local ingredients for their meals. They present local artists and provide lots of ideas on how to experience the surrounding mountains. Being a local of the region (my parents only live 30 minutes away from the hotel), I have never experience my “home” in the way I did while hiking, eating and relaxing at Wiesergut. Also, a lot of regions are highly dependent on tourism. Zell am See, for example, would have a huge financial problem without the tourists who “hide” in the resorts. Most of the locals work in tourism or the restaurant sector, with tourism providing lots of jobs. I do think there are some negative examples in the world, but at the end of the day, every person is responsible for their own experience. If all you want is relaxation, then who are we to judge someone for that?
xox Vicky
Das Buch hab ich schon öfers gesehen, das Konzept ist ja ganz cool. Ich weiss allerdings nicht unbedingt wie leistbar diese Upgrades dann wirklich sind für den Normalo. Eine tolle Inspiration ist aber sicher in jedem Fall.
Liebe Grüsse
Sylvia Foto/Lifestyle/Reisen