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TRAVELS: back from Ibiza

I’m officially back from my late-summer getaway to Ibiza and have close to 1.000 pictures to go through for a huuuge travel diary coming up on The Daily Dose this Tuesday. But of course I wanted to share a few shots with you guys first! I also have summery vacation outfits, beach club recommendations, island impressions and a hotel review planned for the next week, so be sure to stay tuned for a little digital vacation to Ibiza. Hope you guys are having an amazing weekend, I just stocked up on my favorite pink roses and am off to the city to run a few errands before doing about a million loads of laundry …

Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports

Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports

Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports

Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports

Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports

Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports

Ibiza Travel Diary - Part 1 - Bikinis & Passports


  • 10 years ago

    Ibiza is just so awesome!
    I love the vibe their. Clearly you had an amazing time!
    Lovely pictures!

  • 10 years ago

    Oh ich liebe Ibiza! So eine schöne Insel und Formentera ist sowieso ein Traum.
    Bin schon gespannt in welchem Hotel du warst und wie du’s fandest. Evtl. geht sich bei mir nächstes Jahr auch wieder ein Urlaub in Ibiza aus. Fingers crossed. 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    Sieht nach einer tollen Zeit aus und das Meer schaut ebenso traumhaft aus.

  • 10 years ago

    Schöne Fotos! Irgendwie ganz surreal, wenn man hier so aus dem Fenster schaut…

  • 10 years ago

    So schön! 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    wunderschöne Fotos 🙂
    Da hätt ich jetzt auch Lust eine Woche dort zu verbringen 🙂

    Liebe Grüße

  • 10 years ago

    Wunderschöne Bilder und mal wieder so ein toller Look, liebe Vicky!


    A. von

  • nathalie
    10 years ago

    hammer! sieht super toll aus!
    ich liebe ibiza

    Nathalie von Fashion Passion Love ♥

  • 10 years ago

    Deine Bilder sieht super toll! Ich war bei Instagram schon immer sehr begeistert, wenn ich sie gesehen habe! Ich habe schon beschlossen, dass es nächsten Sommer nach Ibiza geht! 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    Wunderschöne Fotos!

  • 10 years ago

    Oh wie gerne ich da jetzt wäre….
    xoxo, Ronja

  • Kerstin
    10 years ago

    Traumhafte Fotos – freue mich schon mehr davon zu sehen 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    I love your pics!!

  • […] our getaway to Ibiza, one of the things that was at the very top of my to-do list was a visit to Formentera, a beautiful […]

  • […] weeks from now, I will be basking under the sun in Ibiza, which means that bikini season is not over just yet. In preparation of our girls trip, I am […]

  • […] on Tuesday for a girls trip to Ibiza. Our suitcases are more or less packed in our minds and since I was in Ibiza at almost the exact same time last year, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to bring. […]

  • […] about the parties and nightlife on the island, since I haven’t really experience that so far. Last year I went to Ibiza with Mike (which was more of a romantic getaway than a party marathon), and this year it was a […]

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