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TRAVELS: the Temazcal experience

TRAVELS: the Temazcal experience

As you guys know, we really didn’t get any good weather in Mexico, which is also why a lot of our plans were cancelled. But once we noticed it wasn’t going to stop raining any time soon we made new plans, including a visit to the mayan ruins in Tulum (where it still wasn’t sunny but at least no rain) and a mayan ritual, the Temazcal. Everyone kept comparing the Temazcal to a steam room, which I guess is true to some extent, but what awaited us was much more and such a special 2 hour-long experience.

Travels: Temazcal in Mexico

“In ancient Mesoamerica the Temazcal was used as part of a curative ceremony thought to purify the body after exertion such as after a battle or a ceremonial ball game. It was also used for healing the sick, improving health, and for women to give birth. It continues to be used today in Indigenous cultures of Mexico and Central America that were part of the ancient Mesoamerican region for spiritual and health reasons. It is currently being recovered by all sectors of society in that part of the world and is used as a cleansing of mind, body and spirit.” (via Wikipedia)

First, we all gathered for the Mayan spiritual leader to tell us a bit about the ceremony and the idea behind it. Then we prayed to the 4 elements which each symbolize part of us. Earth is the body, wind is the breath, water is blood and fire is the spirit. Next, our body was cleansed symbolically with incense before we entered the Temazcal, where it is completely pitch black. During the ceremony you basically go through 4 cycles (comparable to those of a sauna) of steam, and every cycle symbolizes a stage of your life – childhood, teenage years, adulthood and the future. For each cycle you share positive and negative memories from that time of your life and something you’d like to let go of. A water mixture of different plants and herbs is poured onto firing hot lava stones to create the steam, with which you let go of whatever it is you want to cleanse yourself of. It was definitely unlike anything we’ve ever been a part of, but I am so glad we were able to participate and it really was an amazing experience. Out of respect for the ritual itself and other guests (we were a group of 12 people and during the ceremony some even started crying while sharing their memories) I did not take pictures during any part of the actual ceremony. But at least through these images you guys can see what a Temazcal looks like – and if you ever get the chance to participate in a Temazcal ceremony, I’d highly recommend it!

Travels: Temazcal in Mexico Travels: Temazcal in Mexico Travels: Temazcal in Mexico Travels: Temazcal in Mexico


  • 11 years ago

    Wow, looks so amazing.

  • 11 years ago

    How fun! It’s so nice to know other people enjoy coming to Mexico so much, glad you liked the experience!

    Cee. ♥
    Code Overdressed

  • 11 years ago

    Wow what a unique experience!
    I was reading the post and just when I thought ‘damn, this must be emotional’ you said that some people started crying.. I can imagine, I think.
    Would love to do it (I think) but I’m sure I would start crying because it’s so intense. At least, that is how it seems when reading this..
    xx Lyn

  • 11 years ago

    Beautiful photos!

  • Jasmin-Sarah
    11 years ago

    Das klingt ja wirklich mal nach einem einmaligen Erlebnis und ich finde es toll, dass ihr euch dafür interessiert und euch darauf eingelassen habt. Ist bestimmt nicht jedermanns Sache, aber es erweitert den Horizont und ich finde, darum geht’s doch auch ein bisschen beim Urlaub. Danke, dass du uns darüber berichtet hast. 🙂

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