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Up North


here are not a lot of specific memories I have from my early childhood. Don’t get me wrong, I had the most amazing parents, siblings and always lived in a happy home. But I don’t have those very specific childhood memories. At least not a lot of them. However, there is one thing that has always stuck with me. Summers spent on Sylt. “Sylt?” you ask.

It is a small island all the way up in Northern Germany. Literally just miles from Denmark. The island is very different from anything you would expect as a typical Summer vacation destination. The sea is rough (and freezing cold) and the winds are strong. there are no palm trees. However, the beaches are endless, the dunes have a calming effect on the soul and the climate of the salty sea is great for troubled skin (aka mine). Our family has spent summers on Sylt for more than 3 generations. My grandparents used to go there 60 years ago, my mom spent countless weeks on the island and I have some of my fondest memories from there. It is a magical place that is hard to put into words. You simply have to see it for yourself.

Now, fast-forward 20 years: The first weekend in October, my mom and I headed up North for a girls’ weekend with La Biosthétique at Severin’s Resort & Spa on Sylt. The great thing about Sylt is, that the more dramatic the weather gets, the more beautiful the island becomes. And the more blissful a day at the spa followed by an incredible meal and vino becomes.

Severin’s Resort & Spa is located at idyllic Keitum in the East of the island, just a short 10-minute drive from the tiny airport in Westerland. Not only does the 5-star resort instantly feel “like home” when entering, it also boasts a stunning spa with over 2.000 sqm dedicated to rest and relaxation with an array of saunas, a steam bath and hamam, treatment rooms and spa suites, a huge pool, the exclusive La Biosthétique Hair Spa and much more.

48 hours on Sylt

just breathe, relax & recharge...

Our flight arrived shortly after 1 pm on Friday and since the hotel is conveniently located so close to the airport, we were checked-in by 1:30 and sitting down for lunch in the sun at the hotel’s HOOG restaurant by 2 pm. Of course, in one of the famous “Strandkörbe” that you’ll see everywhere around the island – they provide the perfect shelter from the wind and allow you to soak up every last ray of vitamin D. Lunch was fresh local fish (a must on the island).

After lunch, we decided to make the most of the blue sky and headed out on a tour with the hotel’s e-bikes. At first, I was joking to the staff about what a lazy way to ride bikes it was if you had a battery onboard, but once I was heading nose first into the 55km/h winds I started to understand… would it not have been for a little help from my friend (aka the battery), I would probably have ended up driving backwards.

Severin's Resort & Spa Sylt: La Biosthétique | Bikinis & Passports

Our first stop was Westerland where we took a quick glance at the crowded beach and quickly decided to head towards Rantum and Hörnum (located further south on the island) for an Irish coffee and peppermint tea at Sansibar.

At the end of the day, we had biked for more than 30 km. Wind-swept and more than ready for a hot sauna, we arrived back at the hotel around 6:30 pm.

Fun Fact: Our room was actually one of the hotel’s Spa Suites that stretches over 2 stories with 2 bedrooms and the lower level featuring a private sauna, a fully stocked assortment of La Biosthétique SPA products and direct access to the spa.

Last to-do of the day: Dinner and drinks at the stunning TIPKEN’s restaurant. I know oysters are not for everyone, but if you do happen to like them, be sure to give the local oysters from Sylt (“Sylt Royal”) a try. Paired with a glass of rosé champagne they were the ultimate way to end an already perfect day.

On Saturday morning, the blue sky had disappeared into gray clouds and rain, which we actually didn’t mind one bit. There is no better excuse to spend an entire day at the spa than bad weather, right?

Severin's Resort & Spa Sylt: La Biosthétique | Bikinis & Passports

Since the hotel serves breakfast until 1 pm (yes, you read that right!), we started the day with a free yoga class at 8:30, showered and had a very late (and long) breakfast around 11 am. Then at 12, the spa experience with La Biosthétique started. First up was a full-body peeling for me, and a classic massage for my mom. Needless to say we felt re-born afterwards.

Next was a dip in the pool by the fireplace (one of my favorite features in the spa) and a bit of snoozing in the relaxation rooms. While my mom spent the rest of the afternoon sauna hopping, I decided to try the La Biosthétique Hair Spa for a deep oil treatment. As you guys know, I swear by hair oils to keep my locks healthy (especially now that I have the ends bleached) and of course a treatment at the salon is much deeper and more intense than anything you can do at home in your own bathroom. To me personally, one of the most luxurious treats is a professional blow-out. Even though I have mastered the round brush over the years, it never turns out quite the same at home.

Skin Tip: I love anything with hyaluronic acid because it doesn’t feel heavy on the skin but still provides intense moisture. Try the “Hydro-Actif” series by La Biosthétique for your face – it even includes a tinted moisturizer, which is a great alternative to make-up for a natural after-sauna-glow!

Before dinner, the girls at the spa were kind enough to give my manicure and make-up a refresh with the new autumn color palette of the La Biosthétique beauty collection. Judging by your reaction to this post on Instagram, I am not the only one who loved the purple lip and nail colour…

Severin's Resort & Spa Sylt: La Biosthétique | Bikinis & Passports Severin's Resort & Spa Sylt: La Biosthétique | Bikinis & Passports Severin's Resort & Spa Sylt: La Biosthétique | Bikinis & Passports

This time, we had dinner at The Hoog, where we had lunch the day before. I was so tempted to order the exact same thing again – that’s how good it was. After an early dinner, we stopped by the spa again for a late-night dip in the pool (they are open from 7:30 am to 10 pm daily) and then ended our last night on the island with drinks at the bar. I tried an island inspired Moscow mule with local mint and my mom decided to give the “old man and the sea” a try.

Even though we had to leave at 8 am on Sunday to head to the airport, we got up extra early for the incredible breakfast again. The breakfast at Severin’s Resort & Spa was so good that I would gladly set my alarm for 7 am on a Sunday any week.

The beautiful island tried its best to make leaving even harder than it already was with perfect blue skies and sunshines. For a second, we contemplated “missing” our flight… But I know we will be back sooner rather than later. It was the perfect short girls’-weekend-spa-getaway!

*in friendly collaboration with La Biosthétique

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  • 7 years ago

    So much prettiness in one post <3

  • Carina
    7 years ago

    Wow, traumhafte Bilder liebe Vicky. <3 Ich will schon so lange mal nach Sylt und die Bilder haben mir wieder mega mega Lust drauf gemacht. Hoffentlich schaffe ich es bald mal hin 🙂
    Liebste Grüße, Carina

  • 7 years ago

    Hi Vicky! I’ve loved this post! I moved to Bremen almost seven years ago and all this time I wanted to visit Sylt because it looks amazing and it’s not that far away from Bremen.
    However, after a couple of terrible experiences with the infamous Deutsche Bahn I gave up on the idea. But seeing your post I have the Sylt Wanderlust again! I’ve bookmarked the post and the hotel and I’m going to try to plan a weekend there this Winter.
    I think that Winters by the sea are something special.
    Thanks for your always wonderful recommendations!

  • 7 years ago

    ich musste das damals schon auf instagram loswerden: dS bild von dir und deiner mutter ist umwerfend!!!
    danke fürs mitnehmen.
    herzlich re

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      So lieb von dir! Merciii <3

  • Laura
    7 years ago

    Vicky, ich habe noch nie kommentiert und bin seit bestimmt 5 Jahren eine stille “Leserin”.
    Aber wie schön, ich war als Kind auch immer mit meinen Eltern auf Sylt und die Erinnerungen bleiben ewig…. Zur selben Zeit wie du war ich auch zum ersten Mal seit 10 Jahren auf der Insel und es hat so Spaß gemacht meinem Freund all diese tollen Orte zu zeigen. Irgendwie magisch dort oben.
    Liebe Grüße aus München

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      Liebe Laura,

      danke dir für den lieben Kommentar! Sylt ist irgendwie echt magisch. Ich war vor 7 Jahren mit Mike das erste Mal und es war für mich auch sooo besonders ihm das alles zu zeigen wo man als Kind die glücklichsten Sommer verbracht hat! Schön, dass es dir genauso ging <3

      xox Vicky

  • Sylvia
    7 years ago

    Oh Sylt bzw. Nordsee steht auch noch auf meiner Wunschliste. Ich liebe die Farben da oben einfach. Nicht so knallig wie bei uns im Süden.

    Liebe Grüsse
    Sylvia – Fotografie & Reiseblog

  • 7 years ago

    Beim Lesen dieses Beitrags habe ich direkt Lust bekommen ein Wochenende auf der Insel zu verbringen! Wegen der nicht ganz günstigen Zimmerpreise wird es aber wohl leider noch etwas auf sich warten lassen müssen.

    Liebe Grüße

    PS: Es ist sehr lustig einen englischen Satz zu lesen, in dem das Wort Strandkorb auftaucht =D

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      Haha da gebe ich dir recht. Ich hab erst Beach Basket probiert, mich dann aber doch für das Original entschlossen 🙂
      xox Vicky

  • […] for fashion, art and culture. While I got to experience a relaxing and soothing side of the brand in Sylt back in October, I got to see the trend-focused expertise backstage in Berlin. My personal highlight? The big hair […]

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