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Introducing Viktoria Louise

Hi, my name is Viktoria Louise! While most of you know me as Vicky, the full name my parents gave me at birth is Viktoria Louise. And even as I write out those two words, it feels strange yet familiar at the same time. Just like it feels a bit strange to have been working on a project since last year without writing about it here on the blog. And just like it feels strange, but absolutely wonderful, to be able to now share that I have decided to launch my own brand. VIKTORIA LOUISE.

Ever since the idea of creating my own brand manifested itself last Summer (although I feel like it is something that has been my unconscious dream for much longer), I have wondered what it would feel like to “go live” with it. Even though I have put to much thought and effort into the products, idea behind the brand and quality, it is also insanely nerve-wracking to share something this personal and close to my heart with a large audience. There is certainly no going back now!

But let’s start from the beginning…

Photography: Theresa Kaindl

Viktoria Louise by Vicky Heiler

The brand VIKTORIA LOUISE was inspired by my own personal wardrobe, my closet staples, my many travels and the constant hunt for the most perfect basics. I live for a good white V-neck and wouldn’t mind wearing airy palazzo pants for the rest of my life. Cost-per-wear has always been my mantra and I would rather own one thing that I can wear for years to come than too many seasonal items. Just like I want to have a closet filled with versatile pieces that I can dress down or up depending on the occasion, my mood and the weather.

Viktoria Louise by Vicky Heiler

Essentially Me. Essentially You.

I am a strong believer, that the right piece of clothing can work for (almost) every woman. A pant that might hug my hips to emphasize a few curves may hang looser around the hips of my best friend in an extra cool way and still make her legs look endless or shape her waistline in a way that it has never looked before. VIKTORIA LOUISE creates beautifully crafted swim and resort wear for the well-travelled woman. Thoughtfully chosen materials, colors and shapes suitable for all occasions. Creating a versatile and luxurious wardrobe that can follow her wherever, forever.

Of course, it was important to me, that the brand reflects my personal style with a mix of timeless classics and more trend-inspires pieces. The collection lives by an eternal vacation vibe that offers effortless femininity through ageless fashion. I feel like turning 30 has made me even more aware of who I am as a woman that I have ever been before. Now, I know what I like and what I want. And my dream is to share this with you.

As you can tell from the images, I focused on black and white for the first drop, creating a foundation for everything that is to come. These first pieces will build the core of the brand and can easily be styled with your own wardrobe content as well as all that is to come for VIKTORIA LOUISE.

I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on the collection and am so happy, that you are joining me on this endless vacation! #viktorialouise

The first part of the collection is already available for pre-order (shipping next week on June 15th the latest) online, and we will be adding more, as Summer continues!

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  • 6 years ago

    Was ich bisher sehe gefällt mir außerordentlich gut! Ich liebe es, dass du den Fokus zunächst auf schwarz und weiß setzt, weil es so zeitlos ist.
    Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg mit deiner eigenen Linie und bin sicher du machst es 🖤
    Liebe Grüße
    Claudia –

  • 6 years ago

    Wooooow, das ist ja der Hammer! Ich liebe die Stücke total, da muss ich gleich auf der Seite nachschauen! <3
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra /

  • Sandra
    6 years ago

    I love it!

    And as I live the endless summer in Sri Lanka it will work perfectly for me 🙂

    Sandra xx

  • Lotta
    6 years ago


  • FeddyH
    6 years ago

    you blow my mind!!!! so so proud of you and so in love with the brand!!!
    CONGRATS !!!

  • Sandra
    6 years ago

    Also ich muss sagen – gut gemacht! Schaut schön aus und die Bilder sind auch nicht zu überarbeitet 👏🏻

    Schade find ich nur, dass die Kollektion definitiv eher für schlanke Frauen gedacht ist aber wer weiß was noch kommt 😉

    Schönes langes We!

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Liebe Sandra, Danke dir für die lieben Worte zur Kollektion! Ehrlich gesagt ist die Kollektion ganz und gar nicht nur für schlanke Frauen gemacht oder gedacht. Wir haben die Stücke/Schnitte im Office und an unterschiedlichsten Frauen getestet. Jede Frau sieht darin anders aus, aber alle sahen toll aus. Wir haben aktuell keine XL Größen im Angebot, da die Teile (Shirts und Hose) sehr oversized geschnitten sind. Ich trage eine S in allem und bin normal 38. Also wir haben auf jeden Fall etwas für 42/44, können das aber bei zukünftigen Designs auf jeden Fall beachte – Danke dir vielmals für das ehrliche Feedback! ♥️
      xx Vicky

  • Iva
    6 years ago

    Love your style, but I am a bit dissapointed that you included pieces only until size L. Would be great if you would have considered also bigger sizes for all shapes..

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Hi Iva! Thank you so much for your Feedback! Since many of the pieces are cut rather oversized, we currently don’t have any bigger sizes. For example the V-neck shirt ist super loose-fitted and I wear an S for an oversized look. We are just starting out and need to get our audience a bit more, so your feedback is very much appreciated ♥️

  • Claire
    6 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,


    Wirklich, ich bin total begeistert von den ersten Stücken & bin mehr als gespannt auf das, was noch folgt.

    Ich wünsche dir den größten Erfolg, das hast du Dir wirklich verdient. Mach weiter so…

    xoxo, Claire :-*

  • Kat
    6 years ago

    Lovely pieces! You can never go wrong with black and white. So congrats on the launch! Only thing I didn’t find in the faqs is where the garments are made/sewn. That would be interestìng for me too 🙂

  • Kat
    6 years ago

    Seems like my last comment didn’t make it (thanks smartphone…). Congrats on the launch, the pieces look great and so versatile. The only information I’m missing is where the garments are made – just because I’m trying my best do buy “better” and more consciously 🙂

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Hi Kat! Thank you so much for the kind words about the brand & pieces. ♥️ we have different production sites for different products to ensure the expertise, but all items are made under European standards, either in Italy or Turkey. we know the suppliers personally and have already been on site at the factories, where fair working conditions are a top priority. This is also one of the factors in our pricing, aside from the high-quality fabrics we use, it is simply more of an investment to produce fair – but so worth it, in my opinion!
      xx Vicky

      • Kat
        6 years ago

        That’s awesome, thank you for the quick reply and have a great weekend!

  • Edyta
    6 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,

    Das sind wahnsinnig tolle Neuigkeiten:) ich freue mich sooo sehr für dich und wünsche dir mit deiner eigenen Brand nur das Beste. Die Sachen sind wirklich wunderschön geworden <3
    Vielleicht darf ich ja bald eins deiner Teile mein eigen nennen. Und vielleicht setzte ich mir das als Belohnung, um mein Ziel zu erreichen, damit ich mich genauso drin wohl fühle, wie du es auf den Bildern ausstrahlst 🙂

    Alles Liebe

  • 6 years ago

    Hallo liebe Vicky,
    zu allererst einmal: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Launch der eigenen Marke! So eine mega geile Sache und ich freue mich riesig mit dir =) Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg und freue mich schon, noch mehr Teile zu sehen.
    Ich habe natürlich auch schon in deinem Shop vorbeigeschaut. Leider sind die Teile für mich nicht ganz so erschwinglich, weswegen ich einen Kauf etwas länger abwägen muss, aber ich finde die Sachen wirklich wunderschön und ich kann die Preise auch vollkommen nachvollziehen.
    Beste Grüße,
    Svenja von All the wonderful things

  • Shayla Navin
    6 years ago

    Hi Vicky,

    I have been admiring your style and feed for a while now and so was super excited to see you launched your own line. It looks fantastic! Any chance of shipping to the US in the future?



    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Dear Shayla,
      thanks so much for the kind words! And thank you for following along all the way from the US. <3
      We are currently still figuring out a lot of legal work that goes along with shipping to the US, but we definitely have plans to ship worldwide in the future!
      xx Vicky

  • Susie
    6 years ago

    Hi Vicky, kannst du mir sagen ob du das Oberteil “The One” auch für eine große Oberweise (Körbchen E) empfehlen kannst?

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Hallo liebe Susie,
      prinzipiell ist das Oberteil definitiv auch für größere Körbchengrößen geeignet – allerdings arbeiten wir gerade noch am Sizing Chart, sodass wir bald auch ein großgenuges L anbieten können.
      Alles Liebe,

  • Kat_lamour
    5 years ago

    Is your VL online shop closed for good or ever opening again? I saw the site is in some kind of maintenance mode and there is was no new post on the Instagram channel since February, so I was just wondering (and waiting 😉

    • VICKY
      5 years ago

      Hi Kat,
      we’ll be back for sure!! Just going through some internal structural changes and also working on a new onlineshop + restock for our bestselling products. I will be sure to let you know once we are back <3

      xx Vicky

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