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Discover Hamburg

There is always a certain magic that comes with a city located by a large body of water. It provokes an inner calm that is hard to compete with. Hence, it comes at no surprise that hanseatic Hamburg is amongst my favorites of the German cities. Not only due to it’s Nordic elegance (which can sometimes come off as a slightly undercooled attitude but I love it) and timeless style (to quote a friend of ours who lives there: “you can wear anything you want in Hamburg, as long as it is navy blue”), but also because Hamburg and its many facets is such a unique destination to explore thanks to its huge port, the local fishermen, beautiful inner city and locals who will sip on wine outside in the fresh air as soon as the thermometer reads more than 5°C while enjoying a “Fischbrötchen” or two. With that in mind, it is no wonder that Hamburg is home to one of the most spectacular Westin properties in Germany. The Westin Hamburg Hotel extends over 21 floors with floor-to-ceiling windows that boast panoramic views of the city and port. The hotel features 205 guestrooms and 39 suites.

*photography and video by Patrick Langwallner

WESTIN Hamburg Hotel - Bikinis & Passports

„Westin Hamburg: Where Lifestyle Meets Landmark“

As someone who travels a lot, I have stayed at uncountable hotels, many of which were memorable. However, a sight like The Westin Hamburg, embedded in the Eastern part of the famous Elbphilharmonie, is one for the books. Opened in 2016, the 5-star hotel is not only quite the sight from the outside, but the views through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the rooms are also sure to leave you speechless.

Just like all other Westin properties, the guest experience at the Westin Hamburg is built around 6 pillars of well-being: Sleep Well, Eat Well, Move Well, Work Well, Feel Well & Play Well.

WESTIN Hamburg Hotel - Bikinis & Passports

My day at The Westin Hamburg

  • 7.00 am #sleepwell: The combination of the Heavenly Beds (seriously, heavenly hits the spot) and stunning view over the city or port are nothing short of dreamy! My personal travel tip: sleep with the blinds open and waking up has never been more beautiful.
  • 8.00 am #eatwell: To me, nothing screams hotel bliss like breakfast in bed. Of course, the hotel also offers a breakfast buffet – including healthy, fresh pressed juice shots to kick-start your day – but there is something magical about coffee in bed, followed by a vitamin-fueled fruit platter or hot porridge, right?
  • 9.00 am #movewell: Have you ever heard of a “run concierge”? Nope? Neither had I until I checked into the Westin. As you guys know, I am not one to shy away from a workout, hence I had to see what the run concierge was all about. Offering either 5 or 10km runs around town, the guide is super knowledgeable about the city and includes some sightseeing in your morning run.
    Good to know: The Westin brand has partnered with New Balance and even has workout gear such as running shoes, gym tights or a sports bra on hand incase you left yours at home.
  • 11.00am #workwell: As much as I would love to leave my inbox at home when I travel, it rarely happens that I manage to go a day without touching my laptop. However, when you get to work in a bright, light room with an occasional gaze over the city, it makes working while traveling far more acceptable. Sometimes, in the right setting, I even find myself more productive on travels.
  • 3.00 pm #feelwell: Post run swim? No problem in the Elb Spa’s 20-meter pool! While I am all for a good swim, I have to admit that the outdoor terrace located on the 6th floor, high above the harbor, was what won me over. Soaking up the late-afternoon sunshine while watching the boats come in is hard to beat, especially after a long Winter…
  • 5.00pm #playwell: Of course, it is not really a trip if you don’t get to squeeze in some play time. Hamburg is perfect for that. When staying at The Westin Hamburg, the newly built HafenCity with worth a bike ride and inner city of Hamburg is just a 10-15 minute stroll away. Lunch on the go (Fischbrötchen!!), coffee in the Portugieser Viertel (love Milch) or an unexpected shopping spree is basically a must. Just like booking a concert at the world-famous Elbphilharmonie, a location that even Karl Lagerfeld found so special, he sought it worthy to present one of Chanel’s cruise collections there. Just make sure not to miss the Westin crafted cocktails at the bar pre-concert!

*in paid collaboration with WESTIN Hotels

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  • 6 years ago

    Ohhhh wowww, since I arrived to Vienna 11 years ago, Hamburg was always on my list! Of course there are a lot of European cities I want to see, but Hamburg always had something that I makes me curious.

    Thanks for the nice review!!!

  • Patrick
    6 years ago

    What a cool trip it was!

  • 6 years ago

    Oh wow – so wunderschöne Eindrücke von Hamburg und es sieht nach einer tollen Reise aus.

  • Vanessa
    6 years ago

    Was für ein toller Beitrag! Da möchte man direkt den nächsten Trip nach Hamburg buchen. So eine schön umgesetzte Kooperation sieht man wirklich selten. Lieblingsblog <3

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Liebe Vanessa,
      danke dir vielmals für das tolle Feedback – wobei ich an der Stelle direkt auch das Lob an Patrick weiterleiten muss, der bei Fotos und Video so eine tolle Arbeit geleistet hat!!
      xx Vicky

  • Birgit
    6 years ago

    wahnsinn – so tolle bilder und so ein schönes video! ich war vorletztes wochenende auch grad in hamburg und hab gleich wieder lust hinzufahren. einmal dort im westin zu schlafen, wär ein traum!

  • 6 years ago

    Ich war ja noch nie in Hamburg, möchte aber unbedingt einmal hin! Ich komme ja ursprünglich aus Wien-Nähe und liebe daher Kurzstrips in deutsche Städte. Hamburg steht auf jeden Fall noch auf meiner Liste – deine Bilder machen ja direkt Lust dazu 🙂

    Vielen Dank für den tollen Beitrag.

    Liebste Grüße,
    Alice von

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