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what’s in my make-up bag? [summer edition]

what’s in my make-up bag? [summer edition]

While I was packing for our trip to Bangkok and Koh Samui last weekend, I noticed how I don’t have to put together a special “travel version” of my make-up bag. Most of my every-day items fit into a fairly small pouch that I can easily throw into my purse for a day on the go – or suitcase when traveling. As you guys know, I am not one to plaster on tons of make-up and have a few favorites that I have been using for years. I am planning on putting together a video with my daily routine and summer make-up essentials in the next two weeks for you (please hold me accountable on this one!) and as a little preview I wanted to share the current content of my make-up bag. Shot in Koh Samui, these are all products I absolutely love and use on a daily basis.

BEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & PassportsBEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & Passports


  • La Roche-Posay Hydreane BB Cream (teinte light): After the 5th or so bottle of this bb cream I lost of how many I’ve bought. This is a product I have been using for at least 2 years and it is the perfect light cover for my skin without hiding my freckles. Plus the Hydreane products are great for dry and sensitive skin.
  • MAC Pro Longwear Concealer (NW20): I just purchased this concealer online recently. I really like the coverage and feel the color suits me well. However, I do find the packaging to be impractical. For one, the bottle is make of glas, meaning you drop it, it breaks. Also, with the small pump it is really hard to control the amount of concealer and I usually end up wasting a lot and having to wipe the excess off my finger with a tissue paper. Before that I used Bobbi Brown’s Corrector & Concealer, which is a great duo if matched to your skin the right way.
  • Benefit Bronzer (Hoola): Another product I’ve had for years, but just recently re-discovered my love for it. Prior I was using a palette by Gwen Stefani x Urban Decay for a few months, which is also great but I don’t have use for all 6 shades so it is a bit big for every-day-use. Hoola is a matte bronzer that seems to work with literally every skin color. Since it doesn’t have any sparkle or shine, it is also great for contouring, if that’s something you are looking for. I prefer to just brush my cheeks, nose and forehead lightly with it for a sun-kissed look. *I actually keep this in my toiletry bag since it is too bulky for the smaller pouch.
  • Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick (pink quartz): During winter, this is my go-to bronzer, but now that  I am a bit darker I just use it for the shimmer in combination with the Benefit bronzer. Such a good team! Fun fact: on vacation I also like to use the darker shades of the shimmer brick as eyeshadow, this way I don’t have to bring a palette. *I actually keep this in my toiletry bag since it is too bulky for the smaller pouch.
  • Bobbi Brown Face Blender Brush“A great multi-purpose brush that imparts a soft, airbrushed finish to Shimmer Brick as well as creating a seamless finish for Powder, Bronzing Powder and Blush.” – what they said!

BEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & Passports BEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & Passports


  • Benefit Gimme Brow (no.3): I get my brows waxed and dyed about every 3-4 weeks. For the first 5 days or so I usually don’t use any product on my brows since the color is still so fresh, after that I love the Gimme Brow, which now has a new packaging but still the same super handy small brush (find my post about it here). With the new packaging they now also offer more colors.
  • Clinique Lash Power Mascara (black onyx): Theoretically, I don’t need any mascara due to my lash extensions, which comes in extra handy when traveling. However, sometimes I like to mascara the bottom lashes just a tiny bit to decrease the contrast between the top and bottom lashes. With regular mascaras I always found this super tricky, but Anna recommended this one to me which basically comes as a miniature mascara. Bought it at duty free a few months ago and love it!
  • Zoeva Brushes (227 & 231): These two Zoeva brushes are all you’ll need for a great eye makeup. The 227 is great for applying color to the entire lid and the 231 is perfect for darkening the crease for a smokey look.

BEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & Passports BEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & Passports


  • Bobbi Brown Nourishing Lip Color (blush): This is my go-to lipstick for everything. Office, date night, vacation, … love this one! It has a hydrating and nourishing effect, which I love and the color is the most perfect blush nude. I also adore the “rich nude” art stick by Bobbi Brown, which I wore all the time during winter, but unfortunately I have already managed to lose it twice. Once in Dallas and once in Graz. Don’t ask how or why, but it literally disappeared from my bag.
  • Annemarie Börlind Lipstick (72 – cassis): I’ve only had this for a month or so, but it has already become a favorite for a more made-up look. I usually just add this to my daily make-up for a dinner or event and it instantly pulls together the entire look with a berry lip. You’ve probably seen me wear this on Snapchat this past week aswell.
  • MAC Prep + Prime: Ok, so this is the only product in my make-up bag that I don’t really use. I bought this because I heard so much good stuff about it, but first of all I don’t really wear lipsticks that require prep + prime that much (darker or more vibrant colors) and secondly I feel like it has made my lips a bit dry. Have any of you used this product? How do you like it?
  • MAC Pro Longwear Lip Pencil (he said she said – Charlotte Olympia): Love the color and texture of this lip pencil and it also works great just by itself. I like to have this one with me “just in case”. Plus it works great with Ruby Woo, which is my all-time favorite red lipstick!

BEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & Passports BEAUTY: what's in my make-up bag? + summer make-up essentials | Bikinis & Passports


  • Invisibobble Hair Tie: I keep this either on my wrist or in my make-up bag to put my hair up for the gym, while showering, when it is too hot … you get the point.
  • Hair Clip: Again, for obvious reasons! If I am lucky, I’ll also find two bobby pins in my make-up bag for a quick tight pony tail.
  • Chanel Chance Eau Vive: My favorite perfume since last summer! For traveling I take the 35ml instead of the 100ml, which is such a convenient size! *I actually keep this in my toiletry bag since it is too bulky for the smaller pouch.


  • 9 years ago

    Sehr schöne Produkte!

    Der Pro Longwear Concealer von MAC und der Hoola Bronzer sind auch einige meiner Favoriten. Lippenstifte von Bobbi Brown stehen auch schon sehr lange auf meiner Wunschliste – finde das edle Design einfach zauberhaft. Ich mag die Lippenstifte von Chanel und YSL sehr gerne.

    ♥ Liebste Grüße ♥
    Conny von connie-marron-granizo
    | Austrian Blog about | FASHION | BEAUTY | LIFESTYLE | FOOD |

  • 9 years ago

    Ich benutze auch schon länger den Hoola Bronzer und den Pro Longwear Concealer und liebe beide! Aber ja, die glas Flasche ist schon etwas müsam… Ich mag den Prep & Prime Lip! Anfangs mochte ich es überhaupt nicht, bis ich es einmach “trocknen” lies, also, nicht gleich mit dem Lippenstift rauf gehen, und dann funktioniert es perfekt mit mir!

    xoRosie // Rosie’s Life

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      Ahh das ist ein super Tipp mit dem Prep + Prime!! Hab den Lippenstift immer sofort drauf gegeben. Danke dir!

      xox Vicky

      • 9 years ago

        Versuch es mal und lass uns dann wissen, ob es geholfen hat 😉

      • Michaela
        9 years ago

        Ich mag den MAC Prep+Prime Lip total gerne, aber wie Rosie sagt – ein wenig antrocknen lassen vor dem Lippenstift! Ich verwende ihn aber manchmal einfach nur als Lippenpflege (spannend dass du ihn austrocknend findest, bei mir ist es nämlich genau das Gegenteil), macht meine Lippen schön weich und mir gefällt der Effekt auf den Lippen so gut 🙂

  • 9 years ago

    Schöner Beitrag! ♥

    Liebe Grüße

  • 9 years ago

    Was für ein toller Post! Ich liebe es, neue Produkte für mein Make-up Täschchen zu entdecken 🙂
    Ganz liebe Grüsse, Carmen –

  • 9 years ago

    Sehr schöner Post! Ich plane schon länger meine Produkte mal alle zu sortieren und neue,richtig gute zu kaufen! Die BB Cream schaue ich mir mal an weil ich so extrem helle Haut habe 🙂

  • Anna
    9 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,

    Toller Post, dein Make-Up wirkt immer so natürlich & frisch, deswegen mag ich deine Beauty Posts auch immer so gerne weil’s mich total interessiert welche Produkte du benutzt 🙂
    Hab mir damals den MAC Pro Longwear Concealer bestellt (gleich nach einem deiner Beauty-Posts ;)) und dachte mir auch, dass das Fläschchen ein bisschen unhandlich ist…
    Kurz darauf hab ich auf dem Blog von NikkderOest (Hello to Beauty) von dem Maybelline Master Concealer gelesen ( und über Ebay bestellt. DER IST DER HAMMER, Deckkraft ist super, lässt sich gut kontrollieren wie viel rauskommt und sieht meganatürlich aus 🙂

    Liebste Grüße

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      Liebe Anna,

      danke dir für die beiden super Tipps! Sowohl der Blog von Nikki (kannte sie bis Dato nur als Make-Up Artistin von Chiara) und den Concealer. Werd ich beides gleich mal näher anschauen 🙂

      xox und happy Monday,

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The Standard

If you have ever found yourself researching hotels for New York City, chances are pretty high that you have come across, or heard of The Standard High Line Hotel.

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